Aeronautics and Aerospace Research Centre (A²RC)
Developing nature-inspired flow optimization strategies and composite material design methodologies to improve the performance of aero-structures for civilian, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).
About the Centre
Advanced Design and Materials for aero-structures for civilian, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications.
We will continue to develop nature-inspired flow optimization strategies and composite material design methodologies to improve their performance, which include health-monitoring and self-healing technologies, while being prepared for full digital manufacturing and life-cycle management.
We envision a holistic approach using state-of-the-art experimental, numerical and theoretical tools to achieve this goal.
Further developing advanced optical flow measurement technologies (wall shear-stress sensors, volumetric flow diagnostics via 3-D PIV and BOS Schlieren) in our NWTF aerodynamic laboratories and purpose-built test-rigs, supported by Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) methods for simulating unsteady structural loads, aerodynamic performances and aeroacoustics. Parallel to the design route we further develop the methodologies to realize the design modifications via adaptive light-weight materials with sensory and self-healing functionality.
We envision breakthrough applications in technological areas we have demonstrated leadership, which are:
- nature-inspired flow optimization strategies
- sophisticated modern flow management and flow control systems relevant to aeronautical and aerospace industries
- testing adaptive materials and integrated sensor functionality under the condition of advanced digital manufacturing.
Core members
- Professor Christoph Bruecker
- Dr Chetan Jagadeesh
- Dr Marinos Manolesos
- Dr Mohammad Omidyeganeh
- Dr Sung Paek
- Professor Alfredo Pinelli
- Dr Sathiskumar Anusuya Ponnusami
- Professor Rajkumar Roy
- Dr Zhengzhong Sun
- Dr Hamed Yazdani
Associate members
Postdoctoral researchers
Supervisor: Professor Christoph Bruecker
- Dr Qianhui Li
Supervisor: Dr Hamed Yazdani
- Dr Tasnuva Khaleque
PhD students
Supervisor: Professor Christoph Bruecker
- Mr Mohamed Elshalakani
- Mr Raphael Glick
- Mr Muthukumar Muthuramalingam
- Mr Omar Selim
- Mr Edward Talboys
Supervisor: Dr Mohammad Omidyeganeh
- Ms Narges Aalinezhad
- Mr Shane Nicholas
Supervisor: Dr Zhengzhong Sun
- Ms Xiuxiu Chen
- Mr Tengji Li
Featured profile
Professor Christoph Bruecker
Current PhD projects
Aerofoil-wake induced transition in boundary layers (LFC-UK), Dhamotharan Veerasamy
Application of data mining in air traffic forecasting, Judi Guimera Busquets
Controllability of saturating crossflow vortices (LFC-UK), Tobias Backer Dirks
Critical suction physics in laminar flow control (LFC-UK), Barry Crowley
Direct numerical simulation of flow on swept wings, Carlo Suardi
Flow sensing and control with modern imaging technologies and manifold actuators, Mohamed Elshalakani
High fidelity simulations of leakage flows in screw compressors, Mohammad Ghasempournejad
Interaction of flows with designed textured walls. Qianhui Li
Multiple scale approach for non-parallel stability (ICASE), Nick Brown
Numerical analysis of instability and coherent structures in vegetated flows, Alessandro Monti
Nature inspired flow sensing and manipulation, Muthukumar Muthuramalingam
Passive and active flow control with distributed adaptive flaplets, Edward Talboyz
Receptivity of the cross-flow boundary layer on a swept leading edge (LFC-UK), Isabella Fumarola
Topics in solar MHD, Abrar Ali
Unraveling the brain hydrodynamics: high-fidelity 3D numerical simulations. Narges Aalinezhad
Past PhD projects
Investigation and control of dynamic stall of an aerofoil ramp-up motion, Dr Marco Rosti
Shear flow instabilities in stellar objects: linear stability and non-linear evolution. Dr Veronika Witzke
The influence of discrete 3D roughness distributions on the development of the crossflow instability (ALFET), Evelien van Bokhorst
The centre has four wind tunnels one water tunnel and two flight simulators. A supercomputer for numerical work is also available.
Low turbulence wind tunnel
This tunnel is exclusively used for studies on laminar turbulent transition. This is due to the extremely low turbulence instensity characterising this facility, which matches high altitude flight conditions. Both 2D and 3D boundary layers studies are carried out in this tunnel. A variety of commercial contract projects use the facility, including collaborations with Airbus and Bombardier, amongst others. This tunnel is part of the United Kingdom's National Wind Tunnel Facility.
Test section: 0.91m x 0.91m x 3m
Maximum velocity: 45 m/s
Reynolds number: 0.034-3.1 million/m
Transonic wind tunnel (T5)
This transonic facility is used mainly for aerospace-related studies, given the high velocity that can be reached in the relatively large (for its speed) test section. Shock-wave-boundary-layer interaction, turbine blade aerodynamics, rocket science and the effect of heat exchange are just a few examples of studies. Numerous research activities are carried out in this facility, alongside a variety of aerospace contact work (Bombardier and Meggit, currently) and undergraduate projects. The tunnel is equipped with a full optical access section, which allows a variety of techniques to be used (e.g. Laser Doppler Anemometry, Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry, flow visualisation). This tunnel is part of the United Kingdom's National Wind Tunnel Facility.
Test section: 0.2m x 0.25m x 0.5m
Mach number: 0.4-2
Reynolds number: up to 20 million/m
Environmental / commercial wind tunnel (T7)
This large wind tunnel is mainly used for environmental studies (atmospheric boundary layers, wind load on buildings, etc.) and for commercial applications (wind energy harvesting, race car aerodynamics, etc.) due to the substantial size of its test section. A number of undergraduate and research projects have also been carried out in this tunnel, along with the City University London Wind Turbine Challenge. The tunnel is equipped with optical access, a four-component force balance and a turning floor, which allows the models to be tested at different wind directions.
Test section: 1.12m x 0.81m x 1.78m
Velocity range: 10-45 m/s
Reynolds number: 0.7-3.1 million/m
Mid-velocity range research wind tunnel (T2)
This wind tunnel is mainly used for research purposes, although a variety of undergraduate labs are also hosted here. This tunnel is equipped with full optical access and a six-component force balance to capture the main aerodynamics loadings. Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Hot Wire Anemometry (HWA) and numerous flow visualisation techniques are currently in use in this facility.
Test section: 3.0m x 1.5m x 8.0m
Velocity range: 0-25 m/s
Reynolds number: 0-1.7 million/m
Airbus A320 Flightdeck Simulator
This is an ongoing project to construct a working replica of an Airbus A320 series flightdeck. In its present form the simulator correctly replicates the layout of a real A320 with correct pattern sidesticks, throttles, displays, switches, etc. It has a working Flight Management Guidance System with two Multifunction Control Display Units and a glareshield Flight Control Unit. The flight model includes major elements of the Airbus flight envelope protection system such as bank angle limits and "alpha floor" stall protection.
An Instructor Station enables various faults and system failures to be initiated which result in the relevant itemised checklists appearing on the upper ECAM display. Future developments will include a three-projector visual display system.
Merlin MP520 2-Axis MotionSimulator
City's Merlin MP520 simulator is fitted with a two-axis motion system and closed cockpit design for greater immersion. The Merlin is used to provide the link between theory and practice in the study of aerodynamics and the mechanics of flight. Merlin's unique flight software, Excalibur, is a fully non-linear transonic real-time six degrees of freedom aerodynamic application. Designs ranging from single-engined piston to multi-engined turbo fans, or VTOL aircraft can be modelled using the Excalibur data editor and basic aerodynamic, structural and sizing data.
ARION Supercomputer
This cluster of supercomputers is mainly used for heavy parallel numerical simulations. The research team run high-fidelity fluid flow simulations in laminar, transitional, and turbulent regimes in aeronautical, geophysical, and biological applications, as well as fundamental studies in fluid-structures interaction, drag-reduction techniques in boundary layers, and numerical algorithms. Most of these simulations are carried out by an in-house code SUSA in Fortran language and occasionally commercial software such as FLUENT and OpenFOAM.
- Main node: 12 cpus (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz, 132 GB physical memory, 12 GB swap
- Amun node: 12 cpus (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 @ 2.30GHz, 264 GB physical memory, 12 GB swap
- 4 Fast nodes, each: 8 cpus (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2643 @ 3.30GHz, 66 GB physical memory, 12 GB swap
- 32 Normal nodes, each: 12 cpus (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz, 66 GB physical memory, 12 GB swap
Recent seminars
- Turbulent channel flow over an hyper-elastic wall- Dr Marco Edoardo Rosti - KTH Royal Institute of Technology - 16 March 2018. Read the speaker biography and seminar abstract here.
- Nonlinear flow response of soft hair beds - Dr Jose Alvarado - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 10 January 2018. Read the speaker biography and seminar abstract here.
- Implicit LES of plasma-controlled turbulent jets - Dr Sylvain Laizet, Imperial College - 10 November 2017. Read the speaker biography and seminar abstract here.
- Bluff body wake control - Professor Jonathan Morrison, Imperial College - 24 March 2017.
- Mini-symposium on flows over non-smooth walls - Various invited speakers - 9 May 2016.
- Pressure from Particle Image Velocimetry - Dr Roeland de Kat, University of Southampton - 2 December 2016.
- 3D visualisation and tomographic PIV for vortex breakdown over a non-slender delta wing - Dr Qi Gao, Beijing University - 18 November 2016.
- Modelling the receptivity and development of boundary layer disturbances to surface imperfection. Dr Christian Thomas, Imperial College London - 4 November 2016.
- Deterministic turbulence: idea and its experimental realisation - Professor Yuri Kachanov, Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 3 November 2016.
- Overview of turbulent drag reduction research - Professor Maurizio Quadrio, Politecnico di Milano - 21 October 2016.
- Characterisation and control of the blunt trailing edge wake - Professor Philippe Lavoie, University of Toronto - 26 May 2015. Read the speaker biography and seminar abstract here.
- Self-similar adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer flow - Professor Julio Soria, Monash University - 22 May 2015. Read the speaker biography and seminar abstract here.
- Aerodynamics, wind design and flight control in insects - Dr Richard Bomphrey, The Royal Veterinary College - 25 November 2015.
- Recent developments of particle image velocimetry and applications to aerospace research - Professor Fulvio Scarano, Deft University of Technology - 30 October 2015. Read the speaker biography and seminar abstract here.
- Slat noise experiments, numerics and analysis - Professor Marcello A. F. Medeiros, University of São Paulo - 8 October 2015. Read the speaker biography and seminar abstract here.
Potential PhD projects
Potential Research Student Projects
PhD candidates carry out research in the field of Aerodynamics and Flow Control in the Department of Engineering. Potential research student projects in the field of Aerodynamics and Flow Control are shown below, for more details, click on the name of the project. Find out more about applying to a research degree in this field.
Click on the project title for more information
Online Flow Monitoring in Aerodynamics and for Formula 1 Cars via VR-Display and Micro-Pillars Wall-Shear Sensor Films
Supervisors at City: Prof Christoph Bruecker
This project is directly related to aerodynamics. It focuses on the further development of wall-shear stress imaging using the PI’s developed method of micropillar sensors. We want to build foils with such sensors, which we can apply to aerofoils in the wind tunnel and at race cars to monitor the flow structure on the wing or surface on-line. Therefore we built micro-structured surfaces, which we read out optically using fibre-optics and high-speed cameras. This is a 3 years program with BAE Systems and applications of the foil on our models and in their wind tunnel. A further application is envisioned in Formula 1 car aerodynamics. We use thin-film silicon wafer technology, optical fibre coupling, imaging, VR-imaging, on-line flow mapping for the aerodynamics of separated flows. The project has contact with world-renowned institutes in this field.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Interaction Between Vortices and Ciliated Walls
Supervisor at City: Prof. A. Pinelli, Prof. C. Bruecker and Dr. M. Omidyeganeh
This project aims at studying the effect of modulating the rebound of a vortex against a wall by using specifically designed coatings made of ciliated canopies. Vortex interactions with wall is one of the building bricks of many technological and fundamental situations that encompass wall bounded turbulence, mixing and heat transfer in IC engines and chemical reactors, etc. The thesis will be of both numerical and experimental character using state of the art tools that include Direct Numerical Simulation of flow around complex geometries and particle image velocimetry in water tunnel experiments.
Unraveling Brain Hydrodynamics
Supervisors at City: Dr M. Omidyeganeh, Prof A. Pinelli, Prof P. Kyriacou - Co-supervisor at Great-Ormond Street Hospital: Dr K. Aquilina
This project aims at performing high-fidelity simulations to unravel hydrodynamics of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow inside ventricles of a human brain, subarachnoid space, as well as spinal canal. Alteration in the circulation of CSF, which acts as a cushion or buffer for the brain providing mechanical and immunological protection inside the skull, can lead to a range of intellectual, visual, physical, neurological, and endocrinologic side effects. There is a huge demand to understand the natural CSF flow patterns and this project addresses such pulsatile flow considering two-way interaction between solid material (e.g. poro-elastic parenchyma) and CSF. The benefit of such high-fidelity, however, isolated, simulations is that our understanding could be integrated into a holistic multi-compartment model which is capable to produce real-time realization of disease occurrence and progress and can be utilized in hospitals for diagnosis and prognosis of dementia, hydrocephalus, etc.
Induced Flow by Beating Cilia
Supervisors at City: Dr M. Omidyeganeh, Prof A. Pinelli - Co-Supervisor at Aix Marseille Univ: Prof J. Favier
This project aims at understanding the interaction of motile beating cilia with surrounding fluid flow by conducting high-fidelity numerical simulations, including high order immersed-boundary methods. A familiar example is the presence of cilia, in the human respiratory tract, within a mixture of air, mucus, and periciliary fluid. This scenario is responsible for mucociliary transport, an important process in which ciliary motion ensures the elimination of foreign objects from the lung. Cilia with specific length and elasticity has particular natural frequency. Interaction of its characteristics with those of flow may provide some advantage in controlling the flow. In many natural environments such as cilia on the walls of respiratory canals or cilia on the coral reefs deep in oceans, there is an internal force which interferes and modifies the interaction (motile cilia). This project studies the effect of active forces in the mixing of the momentum and transport of scalar properties.
Flow Over Submerged Filamentous Surfaces
Supervisors at City: Dr M. Omidyeganeh, Prof A. Pinelli - Co-Supervisor at MIT: Prof H. Nepf
This project aims at understanding the dominant physical mechanisms of the interaction between the surfaces covered by flexible filamentous structures and the surrounding fluid flow by conducting high-fidelity numerical simulations, including high order immersed-boundary methods. Filamentous surfaces are quite ubiquitous in nature and increasingly seen in bio-inspired technologies. The rivers beds, for instance, are usually covered by vegetation which provides a wide range of ecosystem benefits. It helps to increase the mixing and to remove the excess of nutrients which can lead to the formation of hypoxic zones. Some examples can also come from the animal kingdom. Indeed, some species are covered with complex textured surfaces that are thought advantages in terms of speed (e.g., seals fur) or maneuverability to deliver (e.g., birds feathers). The control of these flows by changing the properties of filaments can potentially lead to important technological applications inspired by nature.
Volumetric Flow Studies in a Fully Transparent IC Engine Flow
Supervisors at City: Prof Christoph Bruecker
The current discussion on Diesel engines and their quality is showing that the full potential for clean combustion and CO2 neutral performance is still not reached with this technology. Biofuels and improved engine flows pave the way to reach the environmental constrictions and call for further intense research into the internal flow and combustion. The lab has a fully transparent version of a VW 1.6ltr engine, where intake flow studies can be done with modern flow imaging Tools such as Particle Image Velocimetry. Thanks to the developments in the lab, there are world unique methods available such as Scanning PIV and micropillar wall shear stress imaging. These methods will provide a thorough and deep understanding of the near-wall flows along the cylinder and the piston. The project includes the preparation of the rig, the flow studies under unsteady intake conditions and the analysis of the data using volumetric processing and post-processing. A possible cooperation with the ETH Zurich may also provide the unique potential to use our data for initial conditions of first DNS measurements in IC engine flows. The research proposal includes publishing papers, visits to international conference and cooperation with international institutes such as at ETH and Darmstadt University, Germany.
Experimental Flow Studies in the Human Aorta with New Heart Valve Prostheses
Supervisors at City: Prof Christoph Bruecker
Flow diagnostics in the human blood vessels and the human airways are still difficult to achieve in the clinical practice. Therefore, the method of building flow models and refractive indexed match fluids allow looking into the flow with modern flow measurement methods. The lab has a fully transparent version of a human aorta and several heart valves, which can be tested in this rig. Thanks to the developments in the lab, there are world unique methods available such as Scanning PIV and micropillar wall shear stress imaging. These methods will provide a thorough and deep understanding of the flow in such complex vessels. The project includes the preparation of the rig, the flow studies under unsteady intake conditions and the analysis of the data using volumetric processing and post-processing. A possible cooperation with the ETH Zurich may also provide the unique potential to use our data for initial conditions of first DNS measurements. The research proposal includes publishing papers, visits to international conference and cooperation with international institutes such as at ETH and RWTH Aachen, Germany.
Characterisation and Interference of Long Flexible Threads Embedded in a Turbulent Shear Flow
Supervisor at City: Prof. A. Pinelli and Dr. M. Omidyeganeh
Flexible elongated fibres embedded in turbulent flows are known to play a role in redistributing the accumulated energy between flow scales eventually modifying the way in which turbulence is produced and sustained. The drag reducing properties of long polymeric chains in wall bounded liquid turbulent flows is a well-known example of the technological benefits that can be achieved using the interplay between turbulence and the elastic properties of flexible filaments. Initially the thesis will use Direct Numerical Simulation to classify the type of possible interactions in simplified scenarios. In a second stage, filaments with specific properties will be tested to verify if an effective skin friction drag reduction can be attained by hairy elements anchored to a wall bounding a turbulent flow.
Development of High Resolution PIV Techniques Based on Stereoscopic Imaging and Numerical Simulation
Supervisor at City: Prof. A. Pinelli, Prof. C. Bruecker and Dr. M. Omidyeganeh
Coupling 3D PIV measurements and Direct Numerical Simulation could bridge the advantages of both the techniques. PIV systems lack spatio-temporal resolution and not always all flow details can be inferred. On the other hand detailed simulation of turbulent flows require initial and boundary conditions along computational planes where no instantaneous detailed information is available. This thesis will start from an algorithmic approach that marries the two techniques that we are developing at City. The PhD candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with both the numerical and the experimental staff ascribed to the Aerodynamic and flow control research centre.
Arndt, M. B., Abate, Y. H., Abbasi-Kangevari, M. , Abd ElHafeez, S., Abdelmasseh, M., Abd-Elsalam, S., Abdulah, D. M., Abdulkader, R. S., Abidi, H., Abiodun, O., Aboagye, R. G., Abolhassani, H., Abtew, Y. D., Abu-Gharbieh, E., Abu-Rmeileh, N. M. E., Acuna, J. M., Adamu, K., Adane, D. E., Addo, I. Y., Adeyinka, D. A., Adnani, Q. E. S., Afolabi, A. A., Afrashteh, F., Afzal, S., Agodi, A., Ahinkorah, B. O., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, S., Ahmad, T., Ahmadi, A., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, L. A. A., Ajami, M., Aji, B., Akbarialiabad, H., Akonde, M., Al Hamad, H., Al Thaher, Y., Al-Aly, Z., Alhabib, K. F., Alhassan, R. K., Ali, B. A., Ali, S. S., Alimohamadi, Y., Aljunid, S. M., Al-Mekhlafi, H. M., Almustanyir, S., Alomari, M. A., Al-Tammemi, A. B., Altirkawi, K. A., Alvis-Guzman, N., Alvis-Zakzuk, N. J., Ameyaw, E. K., Amin, T. T., Amiri, S., Amu, H., Amugsi, D. A., Anagaw, T. F. F., Ancuceanu, R., Angappan, D., Ansari-Moghaddam, A., Antriyandarti, E., Anvari, D., Anyasodor, A. E., Arabloo, J., Aravkin, A. Y., Ariffin, H., Aripov, T., Arkew, M., Armocida, B., Arumugam, A., Aryastami, N. K., Asaad, M., Asemi, Z., Asemu, M. T., Asghari-Jafarabadi, M., Astell-Burt, T., Athari, S. S., Atomsa, G. H., Atorkey, P., Atout, M. M. W., Aujayeb, A., Awoke, M. A., Azadnajafabad, S., Azevedo, R. M. S., B, D. B., Badiye, A. D., Baghcheghi, N., Bagheri, N., Bagherieh, S., Baig, A. A., Baker, J. L., Balasubramanian, M., Baltatu, O. C., Banach, M., Banik, P. C., Barchitta, M., Bärnighausen, T. W., Barr, R. D., Barrow, A., Barua, L., Bashiri, A., Baskaran, P., Basu, S., Bekele, A., Belay, S. A., Belgaumi, U. I., Bell, S. L., Belo, L., Bennett, D. A., Bensenor, I. M., Beressa, G., Bermudez, A. N. C., Beyene, H. B., Bhagavathula, A. S., Bhardwaj, N., Bhardwaj, P., Bhaskar, S., Bhattacharjee, N. V., Bhutta, Z. A., Bitaraf, S., Bodolica, V., Bonakdar Hashemi, M., Braithwaite, D., Butt, M. H., Butt, Z. A., Calina, D., Cámera, L. A., Campos, L. A., Cao, C., Cárdenas, R., Carvalho, M., Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., Catapano, A. L., Cattaruzza, M. S., Cembranel, F., Cerin, E., Chadwick, J., Chalek, J., Chandrasekar, E. K., Charan, J., Chattu, V. K., Chauhan, K., Chien, J-H., Chitheer, A., Choudhari, S. G., Chowdhury, E. K., Chu, D-T., Chukwu, I. S., Chung, S-C., Claro, R. M., Columbus, A., Cortese, S., Cruz-Martins, N., Dabo, B., Dadras, O., Dai, X., D'Amico, E., Dandona, L., Dandona, R., Darban, I., Darmstadt, G. L., Darwesh, A. M., Darwish, A. H., Das, J. K., Das, S., Davletov, K., De la Hoz, F. P., Debele, A. T., Demeke, D., Demissie, S., Denova-Gutiérrez, E., Desai, H. D., Desta, A. A., Dharmaratne, S. D., Dhimal, M., Dias da Silva, D., Diaz, D., Diress, M., Djalalinia, S., Doaei, S., Dongarwar, D., Dsouza, H. L., Edalati, S., Edinur, H. A., Ekholuenetale, M., Ekundayo, T. C., Elbarazi, I., Elgendy, I. Y., Elhadi, M., Elmeligy, O. A. A., Eshetu, H. B., Espinosa-Montero, J., Esubalew, H., Etaee, F., Etafa, W., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Fakhradiyev, I. R., Falzone, L., Farinha, C. S. E. S., Farmer, S., Fasanmi, A. O., Fatehizadeh, A., Feigin, V. L., Feizkhah, A., Feng, X., Ferrara, P., Fetensa, G., Fischer, F., Fitzgerald, R., Flood, D., Foigt, N. A., Folayan, M. O., Fowobaje, K. R., Franklin, R. C., Fukumoto, T., Gadanya, M. A., Gaidhane, A. M., Gaihre, S., Gakidou, E., Galali, Y., Galehdar, N., Gardner, W. M., Garg, P., Gebremeskel, T. G., Gerema, U., Getacher, L., Getachew, M. E., Getawa, S., Ghaffari, K., Ghamari, S-H., Ghasemi Nour, M., Ghassemi, F., Ghith, N., Gholamalizadeh, M., Gholami, A., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Ghozy, S., Gill, P. S., Gill, T. K., Glasbey, J. C., Golechha, M., Goleij, P., Golinelli, D., Goudarzi, H., Grivna, M., Guadie, H. A., Gubari, M. I. M., Gudayu, T. W., Guha, A., Gunawardane, D. A., Gupta, A. K., Gupta, B., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Hagins, H., Haj-Mirzaian, A., Handal, A. J., Hanif, A., Hankey, G. J., Harapan, H., Hargono, A., Haro, J. M., Hasaballah, A. I., Hasan, M. M., Hasani, H., Hashi, A., Hassanipour, S., Havmoeller, R. J., Hay, S. I., Hayat, K., He, J., Heidari-Foroozan, M., Herteliu, C., Hessami, K., Heyi, D. Z., Hezam, K., Hiraike, Y., Holla, R., Hoogar, P., Hossain, S. J., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hostiuc, M., Hostiuc, S., Hoveidamanesh, S., Huang, J., Humphrey, K. M., Hussain, S., Hussien, F. M., Hwang, B-F., Iacoviello, L., Iftikhar, P. M., Ilesanmi, O. S., Ilic, I. M., Ilic, M. D., Immurana, M., Inbaraj, L. R., Iravanpour, F., Islam, S. M. S., Islami, F., Ismail, N. E., Iso, H., Isola, G., Iwagami, M., Iwu, C. D., J, L. M., Jacob, L., Jahrami, H., Jakovljevic, M., Jamshidi, E., Janodia, M. D., Jayanna, K., Jayapal, S. K., Jayaram, S., Jebai, R., Jema, A. T., Jeswani, B. M., Jonas, J. B., Joseph, A., Joseph, N., Joshua, C. E., Jozwiak, J. J., Jürisson, M., Kaambwa, B., Kabir, A., Kabir, Z., Kadashetti, V., Kamal, V. K., Kamble, B. D., Kandel, H., Kapoor, N., Karaye, I. M., Katoto, P. D. M. C., Kauppila, J. H., Kaur, H., Kayode, G. A., Kebede, W. M., Kebira, J. Y., Keflie, T. S., Kerr, J. A., Keykhaei, M., Khader, Y. S., Khajuria, H., Khalid, N., Khammarnia, M., Khan, M. N., Khan, M. A. B., Khan, T., Khan, Y. H., Khanali, J., Khanmohammadi, S., Khatab, K., Khatatbeh, M. M., Khateri, S., Khatib, M. N., Khayat Kashani, H. R., Khubchandani, J., Kifle, Z. D., Kim, G. R., Kimokoti, R. W., Kisa, A., Kisa, S., Kompani, F., Kondlahalli, S. K. M. M., Koohestani, H. R., Korzh, O., Koulmane Laxminarayana, S. L., Koyanagi, A., Krishan, K., Krishnamoorthy, V., Kuate Defo, B., Kucuk Bicer, B., Kuddus, M., Kumar, G. A., Kumar, M., Kumar, N., Kurmanova, A., Kurmi, O. P., Kusuma, D. ORCID: 0000-0002-1909-9341, La Vecchia, C., Lacey, B., Lal, D. K., Larsson, A. O., Latief, K., Ledda, C., Lee, P. H., Lee, S-W., Lee, W-C., Lee, Y. H., Lenzi, J., Li, M-C., Li, W., Ligade, V. S., Lim, S. S., Lindstedt, P. A., Lo, C-H., Lo, J., Lodha, R., Loreche, A. M., Lorenzovici, L., Lorkowski, S., Madadizadeh, F., Madureira-Carvalho, Á. M., Mahajan, P. B., Makris, K. C., Malakan Rad, E., Malik, A. A., Mallhi, T. H., Malta, D. C., Manguerra, H., Marjani, A., Martini, S., Martorell, M., Masrie, A., Mathews, E., Maugeri, A., Mazaheri, M., Mediratta, R. P., Mehndiratta, M. M., Melaku, Y. A., Mendoza, W., Menezes, R. G., Mensah, G. A., Mentis, A-F. A., Meretoja, T. J., Mestrovic, T., Miazgowski, T., Miller, T. R., Mini, G. K., Mirghafourvand, M., Mirica, A., Mirrakhimov, E. M., Mirza, M., Misra, S., Mithra, P., Mohammad, K. A., Mohammadian-Hafshejani, A., Mohammed, S., Mohseni, M., Mokdad, A. H., Monasta, L., Moni, M. A., Moradi, M., Moradi, Y., Morrison, S. D., Mougin, V., Mubarik, S., Mueller, U. O., Mulita, F., Munblit, D., Murillo-Zamora, E., Murray, C. J. L., Mustafa, G., Nagarajan, A. J., Nangia, V., Narasimha Swamy, S., Natto, Z. S., Naveed, M., Nayak, B. P., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Nguefack-Tsague, G., Ngunjiri, J. W., Nguyen, P. T., Nguyen, Q. P., Niazi, R. K., Nnaji, C. A., Noor, N. M., Noubiap, J. 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J., Dima, A., Ding, D. D., Dinu, M., Djalalinia, S., Do, T. C., Do, T. H. P., do Prado, C. B., Dodangeh, M., Dohare, S., Dokova, K. G., Dong, W., Dongarwar, D., D'Oria, M., Dorostkar, F., Dorsey, E. R., Doshi, R., Doshmangir, L., Dowou, R. K., Driscoll, T. R., Dsouza, A. C., Dsouza, H. L., Dumith, S. C., Duncan, B. B., Duraes, A. R., Duraisamy, S., Dushpanova, A., Dzianach, P. A., Dziedzic, A. M., Ebrahimi, A., Echieh, C. P., Ed-Dra, A., Edinur, H. A., Edvardsson, D., Edvardsson, K., Efendi, F., Eftekharimehrabad, A., Eini, E., Ekholuenetale, M., Ekundayo, T. C., El Arab, R. A., El Sayed Zaki, M., El-Dahiyat, F., Elemam, N. M., Elgar, F. J., ElGohary, G. M. T., Elhabashy, H. R., Elhadi, M., Elmehrath, A. O., Elmeligy, O. A. A., Elshaer, M., Elsohaby, I., Emeto, T. I., Esfandiari, N., Eshrati, B., Eslami, M., Esmaeili, S. V., Estep, K., Etaee, F., Fabin, N., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Fagbule, O. F., Fahimi, S., Falzone, L., Fareed, M., Farinha, C. S. E. S., Faris, M. E. M., Faris, P. S., Faro, A., Fasina, F. O., Fatehizadeh, A., Fauk, N. K., Fazylov, T., Feigin, V. L., Feng, X., Fereshtehnejad, S-M., Feroze, A. H., Ferrara, P., Ferrari, A. J., Ferreira, N., Fetensa, G., Feyisa, B. R., Filip, I., Fischer, F., Fitriana, I., Flavel, J., Flohr, C., Flood, D., Flor, L. S., Foigt, N. A., Folayan, M. O., Force, L. M., Fortuna, D., Foschi, M., Franklin, R. C., Freitas, A., Friedman, S. D., Fux, B., G, S., Gaal, P. A., Gaihre, S., Gajdács, M., Galali, Y., Gallus, S., Gandhi, A. P., Ganesan, B., Ganiyani, M. A., Garcia, V., Gardner, W. M., Garg, R. K., Gautam, R. K., Gebi, T. G., Gebregergis, M. W., Gebrehiwot, M., Gebremariam, T. B. B., Gebremeskel, T. G., Gerema, U., Getacher, L., Getahun, G. K. A., Getie, M., Ghadirian, F., Ghafarian, S., Ghaffari Jolfayi, A., Ghailan, K. Y., Ghajar, A., Ghasemi, M., Ghasempour Dabaghi, G., Ghasemzadeh, A., Ghassemi, F., Ghazy, R. M., Gholami, A., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Gholizadeh, N., Ghorbani, M., Gil, A. U., Gil, G. F., Gilbertson, N. M., Gill, P. S., Gill, T. K., Gindaba, E. Z., Girmay, A., Glasbey, J. C., Gnedovskaya, E. V., Göbölös, L., Godinho, M. A., Goel, A., Golechha, M., Goleij, P., Golinelli, D., Gomes, N. G. M., Gopalani, S. V., Gorini, G., Goudarzi, H., Goulart, A. C., Gouravani, M., Goyal, A., Graham, S. M., Grivna, M., Grosso, G., Guan, S-Y., Guarducci, G., Gubari, M. I. M., Guha, A., Guicciardi, S., Gulati, S., Gulisashvili, D., Gunawardane, D. A., Guo, C., Gupta, A. K., Gupta, B., Gupta, M., Gupta, R., Gupta, R. D., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Gupta, V. K., Habibzadeh, F., Habibzadeh, P., Hadaro, T. S., Hadian, Z., Haep, N., Haghi-Aminjan, H., Haghmorad, D., Hagins, H., Haile, D., Hailu, A., Hajj Ali, A., Halboub, E. S., Halimi, A., Hall, B. J., Haller, S., Halwani, R., Hamadeh, R. R., Hamdy, N. M., Hameed, S., Hamidi, S., Hammoud, A., Hanif, A., Hanifi, N., Haq, Z. A., Haque, M. R., Harapan, H., Hargono, A., Haro, J. M., Hasaballah, A. I., Hasan, I., Hasan, M. J., Hasan, S. M. M., Hasani, H., Hasanian, M., Hashmeh, N., Hasnain, M. S., Hassan, A., Hassan, I., Hassan Zadeh Tabatabaei, M. S., Hassani, S., Hassanipour, S., Hassankhani, H., Haubold, J., Havmoeller, R. J., Hay, S. I., Hebert, J. J., Hegazi, O. E., Hegena, T. Y., Heidari, G., Heidari, M., Helfer, B., Hemmati, M., Henson, C. A., Herbert, M. E., Herteliu, C., Heuer, A., Hezam, K., Hinneh, T. K., Hiraike, Y., Hoan, N. Q., Holla, R., Hon, J., Hoque, M. E., Horita, N., Hossain, S., Hosseini, S. E., Hosseinzadeh, H., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hostiuc, M., Hostiuc, S., Hoven, H., Hsairi, M., Hsu, J. M., Hu, C., Huang, J., Huda, M. N., Hulland, E. N., Hultström, M., Hushmandi, K., Hussain, J., Hussein, N. R., Huynh, C. K., Huynh, H-H., Ibitoye, S. E., Idowu, O. O., Ihler, A. L., Ikeda, N., Ikuta, K. S., Ilesanmi, O. S., Ilic, I. M., Ilic, M. D., Imam, M. T., Immurana, M., Inbaraj, L. R., Irham, L. M., Isa, M. A., Islam, M. R., Ismail, F., Ismail, N. E., Iso, H., Isola, G., Iwagami, M., Iwu, C. C. D., Iwu-Jaja, C. J., J, V., Jaafari, J., Jacob, L., Jacobsen, K. H., Jadidi-Niaragh, F., Jahankhani, K., Jahanmehr, N., Jahrami, H., Jain, A., Jain, N., Jairoun, A. A., Jaiswal, A., Jakovljevic, M., Jalilzadeh Yengejeh, R., Jamora, R. D. G., Jatau, A. I., Javadov, S., Javaheri, T., Jayaram, S., Jeganathan, J., Jeswani, B. M., Jiang, H., Johnson, C. O., Jokar, M., Jomehzadeh, N., Jonas, J. B., Joo, T., Joseph, A., Joseph, N., Joshi, V., Joshua, C. E., Jozwiak, J. J., Jürisson, M., Kaambwa, B., Kabir, A., Kabir, Z., Kadashetti, V., Kahn, E. M., Kalani, R., Kaliyadan, F., Kalra, S., Kamath, R., Kanagasabai, T., Kanchan, T., Kandel, H., Kanmiki, E. W., Kanmodi, K. K., Kansal, S. K., Kapner, D. J., Kapoor, N., Karagiannidis, E., Karajizadeh, M., Karakasis, P., Karanth, S. D., Karaye, I. M., Karch, A., Karim, A., Karimi, H., Karmakar, S., Kashoo, F. Z., Kasraei, H., Kassahun, W. D., Kassebaum, N. J., Kassel, M. B., Katikireddi, S. V., Kauppila, J. H., Kawakami, N., Kaydi, N., Kayode, G. A., Kazemi, F., Keiyoro, P. N., Kemmer, L., Kempen, J. H., Kerr, J. A., Kesse-Guyot, E., Khader, Y. S., Khafaie, M. A., Khajuria, H., Khalaji, A., Khalil, M., Khalilian, A., Khamesipour, F., Khan, A., Khan, M. N., Khan, M., Khan, M. J., Khan, M. A. B., Khanmohammadi, S., Khatab, K., Khatatbeh, H., Khatatbeh, M. M., Khatib, M. N., Khavandegar, A., Khayat Kashani, H. R., Khidri, F. F., Khodadoust, E., Khormali, M., Khorrami, Z., Khosla, A. A., Khosrowjerdi, M., Khreis, H., Khusun, H., Kifle, Z. D., Kim, K., Kim, M. S., Kim, Y. J., Kimokoti, R. W., Kisa, A., Kisa, S., Knibbs, L. D., Knudsen, A. K. S., Koh, D. S. Q., Kolahi, A-A., Kompani, F., Kong, J., Koren, G., Korja, M., Korshunov, V. A., Korzh, O., Kosen, S., Kothari, N., Koul, P. A., Koulmane Laxminarayana, S. L., Krishan, K., Krishnamoorthy, V., Krishnamoorthy, Y., Krishnan, B., Krohn, K. J., Kuate Defo, B., Kucuk Bicer, B., Kuddus, M. A., Kuddus, M., Kugbey, N., Kuitunen, I., Kulimbet, M., Kulkarni, V., Kumar, A., Kumar, N., Kumar, V., Kundu, S., Kurmi, O. P., Kusnali, A., Kusuma, D. ORCID: 0000-0002-1909-9341, Kutluk, T., La Vecchia, C., Ladan, M. A., Laflamme, L., Lahariya, C., Lai, D. T. C., Lal, D. K., Lallukka, T., Lám, J., Lan, Q., Lan, T., Landires, I., Lanfranchi, F., Langguth, B., Lansingh, V. C., Laplante-Lévesque, A., Larijani, B., Larsson, A. O., Lasrado, S., Lauriola, P., Le, H-H., Le, L. K. D., Le, N. H. H., Le, T. T. T., Leasher, J. L., Ledda, C., Lee, M., Lee, P. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, S. W. H., Lee, Y. H., LeGrand, K. E., Leigh, J., Leong, E., Lerango, T. L., Lescinsky, H., Leung, J., Li, M-C., Li, W-Z., Li, W., Li, Y., Li, Z., Ligade, V. S., Lim, L-L., Lim, S. S., Lin, R-T., Lin, S., Liu, C., Liu, G., Liu, J., Liu, J., Liu, R. T., Liu, S., Liu, W., Liu, X., Liu, X., Livingstone, K. M., Llanaj, E., Lohiya, A., López-Bueno, R., Lopukhov, P. D., Lorkowski, S., Lotufo, P. A., Lozano, R., Lubinda, J., Lucchetti, G., Luo, L., lv, H., M Amin, H. I., Ma, Z. F., Maass, K. L., Mabrok, M., Machairas, N., Machoy, M., Mafhoumi, A., Magdy Abd El Razek, M., Maghazachi, A. A., Mahadeshwara Prasad, D. R., Maharaj, S. B., Mahmoud, M. A., Mahmoudi, E., Majeed, A., Makram, O. M., Makris, K. C., Malasala, S., Maled, V., Malhotra, K., Malik, A. A., Malik, I., Malinga, L. A., Malta, D. C., Mamun, A. A., Manda, A. L., Manla, Y., Mansour, A., Mansouri, B., Mansouri, P., Mansourian, M., Mansournia, M. A., Mantovani, L. G., Manu, E., Marateb, H. R., Maravilla, J. C., Marsh, E., Martinez, G., Martinez-Piedra, R., Martini, S., Martins-Melo, F. R., Martorell, M., Marx, W., Maryam, S., Mathangasinghe, Y., Mathioudakis, A. G., Matozinhos, F. P., Mattumpuram, J., Maugeri, A., Maulik, P. K., Mayeli, M., Mazidi, M., Mazzotti, A., McGrath, J. J., McKee, M., McKowen, A. L. W., McLaughlin, S. A., McPhail, M. A., McPhail, S. M., Mechili, E. A., Mehmood, A., Mehmood, K., Mehrabani-Zeinabad, K., Mehrabi Nasab, E., Meier, T., Mejia-Rodriguez, F., Mekene Meto, T., Mekonnen, B. D., Menezes, R. G., Mengist, B., Mensah, G. A., Mensah, L. G., Mentis, A-F. A., Meo, S. A., Meretoja, A., Meretoja, T. J., Mersha, A. M., Mesfin, B. A., Mestrovic, T., Mettananda, K. C. D., Mettananda, S., Miazgowski, T., Micha, G., Michalek, I. M., Micheletti Gomide Nogueira de Sá, A. C., Miller, T. R., Mirarefin, M., Mirghafourvand, M., Mirica, A., Mirijello, A., Mirrakhimov, E. M., Mirshahi, A., Mirzaei, M., Mishra, A. K., Mishra, V., Mitchell, P. B., Mithra, P., Mittal, C., Moazen, B., Moberg, M. E., Mocciaro, G., Mohamadkhani, A., Mohamed, A. Z., Mohamed, A. I., Mohamed, J., Mohamed, M. F. H., Mohamed, N. S., Mohammadi, E., Mohammadi, S., Mohammadian-Hafshejani, A., Mohammadifard, N., Mohammed, H., Mohammed, M., Mohammed, S., Mohammed, S., Mokdad, A. H., Monasta, L., Mondello, S., Moni, M. A., Moodi Ghalibaf, A., Moore, C. E., Moradi, M., Moradi, Y., Moraga, P., Morawska, L., Moreira, R. S., Morovatdar, N., Morrison, S. D., Morze, J., Mosaddeghi Heris, R., Mossialos, E., Motappa, R., Mougin, V., Mousavi, P., Msherghi, A., Mubarik, S., Muccioli, L., Mueller, U. O., Mulita, F., Mullany, E. C., Munjal, K., Murillo-Zamora, E., Murlimanju, B. V., Musina, A-M., Mustafa, G., Muthu, S., Muthupandian, S., Muthusamy, R., Muzaffar, M., Myung, W., Nafei, A., Nagarajan, A. J., Nagaraju, S. P., Nagel, G., Naghavi, M., Naghavi, P., Naik, G. R., Naik, G., Nainu, F., Nair, T. S., Najdaghi, S., Nakhostin Ansari, N., Nanavaty, D. P., Nangia, V., Narasimha Swamy, S., Narimani Davani, D., Nascimento, B. R., Nascimento, G. G., Nashwan, A. J., Natto, Z. S., Nauman, J., Navaratna, S. N. K., Naveed, M., Nayak, B. P., Nayak, V. C., Ndejjo, R., Nduaguba, S. O., Negash, H., Negoi, I., Negoi, R. I., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Nejjari, C., Nematollahi, M. H., Nepal, S., Neupane, S., Ng, M., Nguefack-Tsague, G., Ngunjiri, J. W., Nguyen, D. H., Nguyen, N. N. Y., Nguyen, P. T., Nguyen, P. T., Nguyen, V. T., Nguyen Tran Minh, D., Niazi, R. K., Nicholson, S. I., Nie, J., Nikoobar, A., Nikpoor, A. R., Ningrum, D. N. A., Nnaji, C. A., Noman, E. A., Nomura, S., Noroozi, N., Norrving, B., Noubiap, J. J., Nri-Ezedi, C. A., Ntaios, G., Ntsekhe, M., Nunemo, M. H., Nurrika, D., Nutor, J. J., Oancea, B., O'Connell, E. M., Odetokun, I. A., O'Donnell, M. J., Oduro, M. S., Ogunfowokan, A. A., Ogunkoya, A., Oh, I-H., Okati-Aliabad, H., Okeke, S. R., Okekunle, A. P., Okonji, O. C., Olagunju, A. T., Olasupo, O. O., Olatubi, M. I., Oliveira, A. B., Oliveira, G. M. M., Olorukooba, A. A., Olufadewa, I. I., Olusanya, B. O., Olusanya, J. O., Oluwafemi, Y. D., Omar, H. A., Omar Bali, A., Omer, G. L., Ong, K. L., Ong, S., Onwujekwe, O. E., Onyedibe, K. I., Oppong, A. F., Ordak, M., Orish, V. N., Ornello, R., Orpana, H. M., Ortiz, A., Ortiz-Prado, E., Osman, W. M. S., Ostroff, S. M., Osuagwu, U. L., Otoiu, A., Otstavnov, N., Otstavnov, S. S., Ouyahia, A., Owolabi, M. O., Oyeyemi, I. T., Oyeyemi, O. T., P A, M. P., Pacheco-Barrios, K., Padron-Monedero, A., Padubidri, J. R., Pal, P. K., Palicz, T., Pan, F., Pan, H-F., Pana, A., Panda, S. K., Panda-Jonas, S., Pandey, A., Pandi-Perumal, S. R., Pangaribuan, H. U., Pantazopoulos, I., Pantea Stoian, A. M., Papadopoulou, P., Parent, M. C., Parija, P. P., Parikh, R. R., Park, S., Park, S., Parsons, N., Pashaei, A., Pasovic, M., Passera, R., Patil, S., Patoulias, D., Patthipati, V. S., Paudel, U., Pawar, S., Pazoki Toroudi, H., Peden, A. E., Pedersini, P., Peng, M., Pensato, U., Pepito, V. C. F., Peprah, E. K., Peprah, P., Peres, M. F. P., Perianayagam, A., Perico, N., Perna, S., Pesudovs, K., Petcu, I-R., Petermann-Rocha, F. E., Pham, H. T., Philip, A. K., Phillips, M. R., Pickering, B. V., Pierannunzio, D., Pigeolet, M., Pigott, D. M., Piracha, Z. Z., Piradov, M. A., Pisoni, E., Piyasena, M. P., Plass, D., Plotnikov, E., Poddighe, D., Polkinghorne, K. R., Poluru, R., Pond, C. D., Popovic, D. S., Porru, F., Postma, M. J., Poudel, G. R., Pour-Rashidi, A., Pourshams, A., Pourtaheri, N., Prabhu, D., Prada, S. I., Pradhan, J., Pradhan, P. M. S., Prasad, M., Prates, E. J. S., Purnobasuki, H., Purohit, B. M., Puvvula, J., Qasim, N. H., Qattea, I., Qazi, A. S., Qian, G., Qiu, S., Rabiee Rad, M., Radfar, A., Radhakrishnan, R. A., Radhakrishnan, V., Raeisi Shahraki, H., Rafferty, Q., Rafiei, A., Raggi, A., Raghav, P. R., Raheem, N., Rahim, F., Rahim, M. J., Rahimifard, M., Rahimi-Movaghar, V., Rahman, M. O., Rahman, M. A., Rahmani, A. M., Rahmani, B., Rahmanian, M., Rahmanian, N., Rahmanian, V., Rahmati, M., Rahmawaty, S., Raimondo, D., Rajaa, S., Rajendran, V., Rajput, P., Ramadan, M. M., Ramasamy, S. K., Ramasubramani, P., Ramazanu, S., Ramteke, P. W., Rana, J., Rana, K., Ranabhat, C. L., Rane, A., Rani, U., Ranta, A., Rao, C. R., Rao, M., Rao, P. C., Rao, S. J., Rasella, D., Rashedi, S., Rashedi, V., Rashidi, M., Rashidi, M-M., Rasouli-Saravani, A., Ratan, Z. A., Rathnaiah Babu, G., Rauniyar, S. K., Rautalin, I., Rawaf, D. L., Rawaf, S., Rawassizadeh, R., Razo, C., Reda, Z. F. F., Reddy, M. M. R. K., Redwan, E. M. M., Reifels, L., Reitsma, M. B., Remuzzi, G., Reshmi, B., Resnikoff, S., Restaino, S., Reyes, L. F., Rezaei, M., Rezaei, N., Rezaei, N., Rezaeian, M., Rhee, T. G., Riaz, M. A., Ribeiro, A. L. P., Rickard, J., Robinson-Oden, H. E., Rodrigues, C. F., Rodrigues, M., Rodriguez, J. A. B., Roever, L., Romadlon, D. S., Ronfani, L., Rosauer, J. J., Roshandel, G., Rostamian, M., Rotimi, K., Rout, H. S., Roy, B., Roy, N., Rubagotti, E., Ruela, G. D. A., Rumisha, S. F., Runghien, T., Russo, M., Ruzzante, S. W., S N, C., Saad, A. M. A., Saber, K., Saber-Ayad, M. M., Sabour, S., Sacco, S., Sachdev, P. S., Sachdeva, R., Saddik, B., Saddler, A., Sadee, B. A., Sadeghi, E., Sadeghi, M., Sadeghi Majd, E., Saeb, M. R., Saeed, U., Safari, M., Safi, S., Safi, S. Z., Sagar, R., Sagoe, D., Saheb Sharif-Askari, F., Saheb Sharif-Askari, N., Sahebkar, A., Sahoo, S. S., Sahu, M., Saif, Z., Sajid, M. R., Sakshaug, J. W., Salam, N., Salamati, P., Salami, A. A., Salaroli, L. B., Salehi, L., Salehi, S., Salem, M. R., Salem, M. Z. Y., Salihu, D., Salimi, S., Salum, G. A., Samadi Kafil, H., Samadzadeh, S., Samodra, Y. L., Samuel, V. P., Samy, A. M., Sanabria, J., Sanjeev, R. K., Sanna, F., Santomauro, D. F., Santric-Milicevic, M. M., Sarasmita, M. A., Saraswathy, S. Y. I., Saravanan, A., Saravi, B., Sarikhani, Y., Sarmiento-Suárez, R., Sarode, G. S., Sarode, S. C., Sartorius, B., Sarveazad, A., Sathian, B., Sattin, D., Sawhney, M., Saya, G. K., Sayeed, A., Sayeed, M. A., Sayyah, M., Schinckus, C., Schmidt, M. I., Schuermans, A., Schumacher, A. E., Schutte, A. E., Schwarzinger, M., Schwebel, D. C., Schwendicke, F., Selvaraj, S., Semreen, M. H., Senthilkumaran, S., Serban, D., Serre, M. L., Sethi, Y., Shafie, M., Shah, H., Shah, N. S., Shah, P. A., Shah, S. M., Shahbandi, A., Shaheen, A. A., Shahid, S., Shahid, W., Shahsavari, H. R., Shahwan, M. J., Shaikh, M. A., Shaikh, S. Z., Shalash, A. S., Sham, S., Shamim, M. A., Shams-Beyranvand, M., Shamshirgaran, M. A., Shamsi, M. A., Shanawaz, M., Shankar, A., Sharfaei, S., Sharifan, A., Sharifi-Rad, J., Sharma, M., Sharma, U., Sharma, V., Shastry, R. P., Shavandi, A., Shehabeldine, A. M. E., Shehzadi, S., Sheikh, A., Shen, J., Shetty, A., Shetty, B. S. K., Shetty, P. H., Shiani, A., Shiferaw, D., Shigematsu, M., Shin, M-J., Shiri, R., Shittu, A., Shiue, I., Shivakumar, K. M., Shivarov, V., Shool, S., Shorofi, S. A., Shrestha, R., Shrestha, S., Shuja, K. H., Shuval, K., Si, Y., Siddig, E. E., Silva, D. A. S., Silva, L. M. L. R., Silva, S., Silva, T. P. R., Simpson, C. R., Singh, A., Singh, B. B., Singh, B., Singh, G., Singh, H., Singh, J. A., Singh, M., Singh, N. P., Singh, P., Singh, S., Sinto, R., Sivakumar, S., Siwal, S. S., Skhvitaridze, N., Skou, S. T., Sleet, D. A., Sobia, F., Soboka, M., Socea, B., Solaimanian, S., Solanki, R., Solanki, S., Soliman, S. S. M., Somayaji, R., Song, Y., Sorensen, R. J. D., Soriano, J. B., Soyiri, I. N., Spartalis, M., Spearman, S., Spencer, C. N., Sreeramareddy, C. T., Stachteas, P., Stafford, L. K., Stanaway, J. D., Stanikzai, M. H., Stein, C., Stein, D. J., Steinbeis, F., Steiner, C., Steinke, S., Steiropoulos, P., Stockfelt, L., Stokes, M. A., Straif, K., Stranges, S., Subedi, N., Subramaniyan, V., Suleman, M., Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R., Sundström, J., Sunkersing, D., Sunnerhagen, K. S., Suresh, V., Swain, C. K., Szarpak, L., Szeto, M. D., Tabaee Damavandi, P., Tabarés-Seisdedos, R., Tabatabaei, S. M., Tabatabaei Malazy, O., Tabatabaeizadeh, S-A., Tabatabai, S., Tabche, C., Tabish, M., Tadakamadla, S. K., Taheri Abkenar, Y., Taheri Soodejani, M., Taherkhani, A., Taiba, J., Takahashi, K., Talaat, I. M., Tamuzi, J. L., Tan, K-K., Tang, H., Tat, N. Y., Taveira, N., Tefera, Y. 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T., Debopadhaya, S., DeCleene, N. K., Deeba, F., Degenhardt, L., Del Bo', C., Delgado-Enciso, I., Demetriades, A. K., Denova-Gutiérrez, E., Dervenis, N., Desai, H. D., Desai, R., Deuba, K., Dhama, K., Dharmaratne, S. D., Dhingra, S., Dias da Silva, D., Diaz, D., Diaz, L. A., Diaz, M. J., Dima, A., Ding, D. D., Dirac, M. A., Do, T. H. P., do Prado, C. B., Dohare, S., Dominguez, R-M. V., Dong, W., Dongarwar, D., D'Oria, M., Dorsey, E. R., Doshmangir, L., Dowou, R. K., Driscoll, T. R., Dsouza, H. L., Dsouza, V., Dube, J., Dumith, S. C., Duncan, B. B., Duraes, A. R., Duraisamy, S., Durojaiye, O. C., Dzianach, P. A., Dziedzic, A. M., Eboreime, E., Ebrahimi, A., Edinur, H. A., Edvardsson, D., Eikemo, T. A., Eini, E., Ekholuenetale, M., Ekundayo, T. C., El Sayed, I., El Tantawi, M., Elbarazi, I., Elemam, N. M., ElGohary, G. M. T., Elhadi, M., Elmeligy, O. A. A., ELNahas, G., Elshaer, M., Elsohaby, I., Engelbert Bain, L., Erkhembayar, R., Eshrati, B., Estep, K., Fabin, N., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Falzone, L., Fareed, M., Farinha, C. S. E. S., Faris, M. E. M., Faro, A., Farrokhi, P., Fatehizadeh, A., Fauk, N. K., Feigin, V. L., Feng, X., Fereshtehnejad, S-M., Feroze, A. H., Ferreira, N., Ferreira, P. H., Fischer, F., Flavel, J., Flood, D., Flor, L. S., Foigt, N. A., Folayan, M. O., Force, L. M., Fortuna, D., Foschi, M., Franklin, R. C., Freitas, A., Fukumoto, T., Furtado, J. M., Gaal, P. A., Gadanya, M. A., Gaidhane, A. M., Gaihre, S., Galali, Y., Ganbat, M., Gandhi, A. P., Ganesan, B., Ganie, M. A., Ganiyani, M. A., Gardner, W. M., Gebi, T. G., Gebregergis, M. W., Gebrehiwot, M., Gebremariam, T. B. B., Gebremeskel, T. G., Gela, Y. Y., Georgescu, S. R., Getachew Obsa, A., Gething, P. W., Getie, M., Ghadiri, K., Ghadirian, F., Ghailan, K. Y., Ghajar, A., Ghasemi, M., Ghasempour Dabaghi, G., Ghasemzadeh, A., Ghazy, R. M., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Ghorbani, M., Ghotbi, E., Gibson, R. M., Gill, T. K., Ginindza, T. G., Girmay, A., Glasbey, J. C., Göbölös, L., Godinho, M. A., Goharinezhad, S., Goldust, M., Golechha, M., Goleij, P., Gona, P. N., Gorini, G., Goulart, A. C., Grada, A., Grivna, M., Guan, S-Y., Guarducci, G., Gubari, M. I. M., Gudeta, M. D., Guha, A., Guicciardi, S., Gulati, S., Gulisashvili, D., Gunawardane, D. A., Guo, C., Gupta, A. K., Gupta, B., Gupta, I., Gupta, M., Gupta, R., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Gupta, V. K., Gutiérrez, R. A., Habibzadeh, F., Habibzadeh, P., Haddadi, R., Hadi, N. R., Haep, N., Hafezi-Nejad, N., Hafiz, A., Hagins, H., Halboub, E. S., Halimi, A., Haller, S., Halwani, R., Hamilton, E. B., Hankey, G. J., Hannan, M. A., Haque, M. N., Harapan, H., Haro, J. M., Hartvigsen, J., Hasaballah, A. I., Hasan, I., Hasanian, M., Hasnain, M. S., Hassan, A., Haubold, J., Havmoeller, R. J., Hay, S. I., Hayat, K., Hebert, J. J., Hegazi, O. E., Heidari, G., Helfer, B., Hemmati, M., Hendrie, D., Henson, C. A., Hezam, K., Hiraike, Y., Hoan, N. Q., Holla, R., Hon, J., Hossain, M. M., Hosseinzadeh, H., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hostiuc, M., Hostiuc, S., Hsu, J. M., Huang, J., Hugo, F. N., Hushmandi, K., Hussain, J., Hussein, N. R., Huynh, C. K., Huynh, H-H., Hwang, B-F., Iannucci, V. C., Ihler, A. L., Ikiroma, A. I., Ikuta, K. S., Ilesanmi, O. S., Ilic, I. M., Ilic, M. D., Imam, M. T., Immurana, M., Irham, L. M., Islam, M. R., Islam, S. M. S., Islami, F., Ismail, F., Ismail, N. E., Isola, G., Iwagami, M., Iwu, C. C. D., Iyer, M., Jaafari, J., Jacobsen, K. H., Jadidi-Niaragh, F., Jafarinia, M., Jaggi, K., Jahankhani, K., Jahanmehr, N., Jahrami, H., Jain, A., Jain, N., Jairoun, A. A., Jaiswal, A., Jakovljevic, M., Jatau, A. I., Javadov, S., Javaheri, T., Jayapal, S. K., Jayaram, S., Jee, S. H., Jeganathan, J., Jeyakumar, A., Jha, A. K., Jiang, H., Jin, Y., Jonas, J. B., Joo, T., Joseph, A., Joseph, N., Joshua, C. E., Jozwiak, J. J., Jürisson, M., K, V., Kaambwa, B., Kabir, A., Kabir, Z., Kadashetti, V., Kalani, R., Kalankesh, L. R., Kaliyadan, F., Kalra, S., Kamenov, K., Kamyari, N., Kanagasabai, T., Kandel, H., Kanmanthareddy, A. R., Kanmodi, K. K., Kantar, R. S., Karaye, I. M., Karim, A., Karimi, S. E., Karimi, Y., Kasraei, H., Kassel, M. B., Kauppila, J. H., Kawakami, N., Kayode, G. A., Kazemi, F., Kazemian, S., Keikavoosi-Arani, L., Keller, C., Kempen, J. H., Kerr, J. A., Keshtkar, K., Kesse-Guyot, E., Keykhaei, M., Khajuria, H., Khalaji, A., Khalid, A., Khalid, N., Khalilian, A., Khamesipour, F., Khan, A., Khan, I., Khan, M., Khan, M. A. B., Khanmohammadi, S., Khatab, K., Khatami, F., Khatatbeh, M. M., Khater, A. M., Khayat Kashani, H. R., Khidri, F. F., Khodadoust, E., Khormali, M., Khorrami, Z., Kifle, Z. D., Kim, M. S., Kimokoti, R. W., Kisa, A., Kisa, S., Knudsen, A. K. S., Kocarnik, J. M., Kochhar, S., Koh, H. Y., Kolahi, A-A., Kompani, F., Koren, G., Korzh, O., Kosen, S., Koulmane Laxminarayana, S. L., Krishan, K., Krishna, V., Krishnamoorthy, V., Kuate Defo, B., Kuddus, M. A., Kuddus, M., Kuitunen, I., Kulkarni, V., Kumar, M., Kumar, N., Kumar, R., Kurmi, O. P., Kusuma, D. ORCID: 0000-0002-1909-9341, Kyu, H. H., La Vecchia, C., Lacey, B., Ladan, M. A., Laflamme, L., Lafranconi, A., Lahariya, C., Lai, D. T. C., Lal, D. K., Lalloo, R., Lallukka, T., Lám, J., Lan, Q., Lan, T., Landires, I., Lanfranchi, F., Langguth, B., Laplante-Lévesque, A., Larijani, B., Larsson, A. O., Lasrado, S., Lauriola, P., Le, H-H., Le, L. K. D., Le, N. H. H., Le, T. D. T., Leasher, J. L., Ledda, C., Lee, M., Lee, P. H., Lee, S-W., Lee, S. W., Lee, W-C., Lee, Y. H., LeGrand, K. E., Lenzi, J., Leong, E., Leung, J., Li, M-C., Li, W., Li, X., Li, Y., Li, Y., Lim, L-L., Lim, S. S., Lindstrom, M., Linn, S., Liu, G., Liu, R., Liu, S., Liu, W., Liu, X., Liu, X., Llanaj, E., Lo, C-H., López-Bueno, R., Loreche, A. M., Lorenzovici, L., Lozano, R., Lubinda, J., Lucchetti, G., Lunevicius, R., Lusk, J. B., lv, H., Ma, Z. F., Machairas, N., Madureira-Carvalho, Á. M., Magaña Gómez, J. A., Maghazachi, A. A., Maharjan, P., Mahasha, P. W., Maheri, M., Mahjoub, S., Mahmoud, M. A., Mahmoudi, E., Majeed, A., Makris, K. C., Malakan Rad, E., Malhotra, K., Malik, A. A., Malik, I., Malta, D. C., Manla, Y., Mansour, A., Mansouri, P., Mansournia, M. A., Mantilla Herrera, A. M., Mantovani, L. G., Manu, E., Marateb, H. R., Mardi, P., Martinez, G., Martinez-Piedra, R., Martini, D., Martins-Melo, F. R., Martorell, M., Marx, W., Maryam, S., Marzo, R. R., Mathangasinghe, Y., Mathieson, S., Mathioudakis, A. G., Mattumpuram, J., Maugeri, A., Mayeli, M., Mazidi, M., Mazzotti, A., McGrath, J. J., McKee, M., McKowen, A. L. W., McPhail, M. A., Mehrabani-Zeinabad, K., Mehrabi Nasab, E., Mekene Meto, T., Mendoza, W., Menezes, R. G., Mensah, G. A., Mentis, A-F. A., Meo, S. A., Meresa, H. A., Meretoja, A., Meretoja, T. J., Mersha, A. M., Mestrovic, T., Mettananda, K. C. D., Mettananda, S., Michalek, I. M., Miller, P. A., Miller, T. R., Mills, E. J., Minh, L. H. N., Mirijello, A., Mirrakhimov, E. M., Mirutse, M. K., Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari, M., Mirzaei, M., Mirzaei, R., Misganaw, A., Mishra, A. K., Mitchell, P. B., Mittal, C., Moazen, B., Moberg, M. E., Mohamed, J., Mohamed, M. F. H., Mohamed, N. S., Mohammadi, E., Mohammadi, S., Mohammed, H., Mohammed, S., Mohammed, S., Mohr, R. M., Mokdad, A. H., Molinaro, S., Momtazmanesh, S., Monasta, L., Mondello, S., Moodi Ghalibaf, A., Moradi, M., Moradi, Y., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Moraga, P., Morawska, L., Moreira, R. S., Morovatdar, N., Morrison, S. D., Morze, J., Mosapour, A., Mosser, J. F., Mossialos, E., Motappa, R., Mougin, V., Mouodi, S., Mrejen, M., Msherghi, A., Mubarik, S., Mueller, U. O., Mulita, F., Munjal, K., Murillo-Zamora, E., Murlimanju, B. V., Mustafa, G., Muthu, S., Muzaffar, M., Myung, W., Nagarajan, A. J., Naghavi, P., Naik, G. R., Nainu, F., Nair, S., Najmuldeen, H. H. R., Nangia, V., Naqvi, A. A., Narayana, A. I., Nargus, S., Nascimento, G. G., Nashwan, A. J., Nasrollahizadeh, A., Nasrollahizadeh, A., Natto, Z. S., Nayak, B. P., Nayak, V. C., Nduaguba, S. O., Negash, H., Negoi, I., Negoi, R. I., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Nesbit, O. D., Netsere, H. B., Ng, M., Nguefack-Tsague, G., Ngunjiri, J. W., Nguyen, D. H., Nguyen, H. Q., Niazi, R. K., Nikolouzakis, T. K., Nikoobar, A., Nikoomanesh, F., Nikpoor, A. R., Nnaji, C. A., Nnyanzi, L. A., Noman, E. A., Nomura, S., Norrving, B., Nri-Ezedi, C. A., Ntaios, G., Ntsekhe, M., Nurrika, D., Nzoputam, C. I., Nzoputam, O. J., Oancea, B., Odetokun, I. A., O'Donnell, M. J., Oguntade, A. S., Oguta, J. O., Okati-Aliabad, H., Okeke, S. R., Okekunle, A. P., Okonji, O. C., Olagunju, A. T., Olasupo, O. O., Olatubi, M. I., Oliveira, G. M. M., Olufadewa, I. I., Olusanya, B. O., Olusanya, J. O., Omar, H. A., Omer, G. L., Omonisi, A. E. E., Onie, S., Onwujekwe, O. E., Ordak, M., Orish, V. N., Ortega-Altamirano, D. V., Ortiz, A., Ortiz-Brizuela, E., Osman, W. M. S., Ostroff, S. M., Osuagwu, U. L., Otoiu, A., Otstavnov, N., Otstavnov, S. S., Ouyahia, A., Ouyang, G., Owolabi, M. O., P A, M. P., Padron-Monedero, A., Padubidri, J. R., Palicz, T., Palladino, C., Pan, F., Pandi-Perumal, S. R., Pangaribuan, H. U., Panos, G. D., Panos, L. D., Pantea Stoian, A. M., Pardhan, S., Parikh, R. R., Pashaei, A., Pasovic, M., Passera, R., Patel, J., Patel, S. K., Patil, S., Patoulias, D., Patthipati, V. S., Pawar, S., Pazoki Toroudi, H., Pease, S. A., Peden, A. E., Pedersini, P., Peng, M., Pensato, U., Pepito, V. C. F., Peprah, E. K., Peprah, P., Perdigão, J., Pereira, M. O., Perianayagam, A., Perico, N., Pesudovs, K., Petermann-Rocha, F. E., Petri, W. A., Pham, H. T., Philip, A. K., Phillips, M. R., Pigeolet, M., Pigott, D. M., Pillay, J. D., Piracha, Z. Z., Pirouzpanah, S., Plass, D., Plotnikov, E., Poddighe, D., Polinder, S., Postma, M. J., Pourtaheri, N., Prada, S. I., Pradhan, P. M. S., Prakash, V., Prasad, M., Prates, E. J. S., Priscilla, T., Pritchett, N., Puri, P., Puvvula, J., Qasim, N. H., Qattea, I., Qazi, A. S., Qian, G., Rabiee Rad, M., Radhakrishnan, R. A., Radhakrishnan, V., Raeisi Shahraki, H., Rafferty, Q., Raggi, A., Raghav, P. R., Rahim, M. J., Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. H. U., Rahman, M., Rahman, M. A., Rahmani, S., Rahmanian, M., Rahmawaty, S., Rajaa, S., Ramadan, M. M., Ramasamy, S. K., Ramasubramani, P., Ramazanu, S., Rana, K., Ranabhat, C. L., Rancic, N., Rane, A., Rao, C. R., Rao, K., Rao, M., Rao, S. J., Rashidi, M-M., Rathnaiah Babu, G., Rauniyar, S. K., Rawaf, D. L., Rawaf, S., Razo, C., Reddy, M. M. R. K., Redwan, E. M. M., Reifels, L., Reiner Jr, R. C., Remuzzi, G., Renzaho, A. M. N., Reshmi, B., Reyes, L. F., Rezaei, N., Rezaei, N., Rezaei, N., Rezaei Hachesu, P., Rezaeian, M., Rickard, J., Rodrigues, C. F., Rodriguez, J. A. B., Roever, L., Ronfani, L., Roshandel, G., Rotimi, K., Rout, H. S., Roy, B., Roy, N., Roy, P., Rubagotti, E., S N, C., Saad, A. M. A., Saber-Ayad, M. M., Sabour, S., Sacco, S., Sachdev, P. S., Saddik, B., Saddler, A., Sadee, B. A., Sadeghi, E., Sadeghi, M., Saeb, M. R., Saeed, U., Safi, S. Z., Sagar, R., Sagoe, D., Saif, Z., Sajid, M. R., Sakshaug, J. W., Salam, N., Salami, A. A., Salaroli, L. B., Saleh, M. A., Salem, M. R., Salem, M. Z. Y., Sallam, M., Samadzadeh, S., Samargandy, S., Samodra, Y. L., Samy, A. M., Sanabria, J., Sanna, F., Santos, I. S., Santric-Milicevic, M. M., Sarasmita, M. A., Sarikhani, Y., Sarmiento-Suárez, R., Sarode, G. S., Sarode, S. C., Sarveazad, A., Sathian, B., Sathyanarayan, A., Satpathy, M., Sawhney, M., Scarmeas, N., Schaarschmidt, B. M., Schmidt, M. I., Schneider, I. J. C., Schumacher, A. E., Schwebel, D. C., Schwendicke, F., Sedighi, M., Senapati, S., Senthilkumaran, S., Sepanlou, S. G., Sethi, Y., Setoguchi, S., Seylani, A., Shadid, J., Shafie, M., Shah, H., Shah, N. S., Shah, P. A., Shahbandi, A., Shahid, S., Shahid, W., Shahwan, M. J., Shaikh, M. A., Shakeri, A., Shalash, A. S., Sham, S., Shamim, M. A., Shamshirgaran, M. A., Shamsi, M. A., Shanawaz, M., Shankar, A., Shannawaz, M., Sharath, M., Sharifan, A., Sharifi-Rad, J., Sharma, M., Sharma, R., Sharma, S., Sharma, U., Sharma, V., Shastry, R. P., Shavandi, A., Shayan, A. M., Shayan, M., Shehabeldine, A. M. E., Shetty, P. H., Shibuya, K., Shifa, J. E., Shiferaw, D., Shiferaw, W. S., Shigematsu, M., Shiri, R., Shitaye, N. A., Shittu, A., Shivakumar, K. M., Shivarov, V., Shokati Eshkiki, Z., Shool, S., Shrestha, S., Shuval, K., Sibhat, M. M., Siddig, E. E., Sigfusdottir, I. D., Silva, D. A. S., Silva, J. P., Silva, L. M. L. R., Silva, S., Simpson, C. R., Singal, A., Singh, A., Singh, B. B., Singh, H., Singh, J. A., Singh, M., Singh, P., Skou, S. T., Sleet, D. A., Slepak, E. L. N., Solanki, R., Soliman, S. S. M., Song, S., Song, Y., Sorensen, R. J. D., Soriano, J. B., Soyiri, I. N., Spartalis, M., Sreeramareddy, C. T., Stark, B. A., Starodubova, A. V., Stein, C., Stein, D. J., Steiner, C., Steiner, T. J., Steinmetz, J. D., Steiropoulos, P., Stockfelt, L., Stokes, M. A., Subedi, N. S., Subramaniyan, V., Suemoto, C. K., Suleman, M., Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R., Sultana, A., Sundström, J., Swain, C. K., Szarpak, L., Tabaee Damavandi, P., Tabarés-Seisdedos, R., Tabatabaei Malazy, O., Tabatabaeizadeh, S-A., Tabatabai, S., Tabche, C., Tabish, M., Tadakamadla, S. K., Taheri Abkenar, Y., Taheri Soodejani, M., Taherkhani, A., Taiba, J., Talaat, I. M., Talukder, A., Tampa, M., Tamuzi, J. L., Tan, K-K., Tandukar, S., Tang, H., Tavakoli Oliaee, R., Tavangar, S. M., Teimoori, M., Temsah, M-H., Teramoto, M., Thangaraju, P., Thankappan, K. R., Thapar, R., Thayakaran, R., Thirunavukkarasu, S., Thomas, N., Thomas, N. K., Thum, C. C. C., Tichopad, A., Ticoalu, J. H. V., Tillawi, T., Tiruye, T. Y., Tobe-Gai, R., Tonelli, M., Topor-Madry, R., Torre, A. E., Touvier, M., Tovani-Palone, M. R., Tran, J. T., Tran, M. T. N., Tran, N. M., Tran, N-H., Trico, D., Tromans, S. J., Truyen, T. T. T. T., Tsatsakis, A., Tsegay, G. M., Tsermpini, E. E., Tumurkhuu, M., Tyrovolas, S., Udoh, A., Umair, M., Umakanthan, S., Umar, T. P., Undurraga, E. A., Unim, B., Unnikrishnan, B., Unsworth, C. A., Upadhyay, E., Urso, D., Usman, J. S., Vahabi, S. M., Vaithinathan, A. G., Van den Eynde, J., Varga, O., Varma, R. P., Vart, P., Vasankari, T. J., Vasic, M., Vaziri, S., Vellingiri, B., Venketasubramanian, N., Veroux, M., Verras, G-I., Vervoort, D., Villafañe, J. H., Violante, F. S., Vlassov, V., Vollset, S. E., Volovat, S. R., Vongpradith, A., Waheed, Y., Wang, C., Wang, F., Wang, N., Wang, S., Wang, Y., Wang, Y-P., Ward, P., Wassie, E. G., Weaver, M. R., Weerakoon, K. G., Weintraub, R. G., Weiss, D. J., Weldemariam, A. H., Wells, K. M., Wen, Y. F., Whisnant, J. L., Whiteford, H. A., Wiangkham, T., Wickramasinghe, D. P., Wickramasinghe, N. D., Wilandika, A., Wilkerson, C., Willeit, P., Wimo, A., Woldegebreal, D. H., Wolf, A. W., Wong, Y. J., Woolf, A. 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Naghavi, M., Ong, K. L., Aali, A. , Ababneh, H. S., Abate, Y. H., Abbafati, C., Abbasgholizadeh, R., Abbasian, M., Abbasi-Kangevari, M., Abbastabar, H., Abd ElHafeez, S., Abdelmasseh, M., Abd-Elsalam, S., Abdelwahab, A., Abdollahi, M., Abdollahifar, M-A., Abdoun, M., Abdulah, D. M., Abdullahi, A., Abebe, M., Abebe, S. S., Abedi, A., Abegaz, K. H., Abhilash, E. S., Abidi, H., Abiodun, O., Aboagye, R. G., Abolhassani, H., Abolmaali, M., Abouzid, M., Aboye, G. B., Abreu, L. G., Abrha, W. A., Abtahi, D., Abu Rumeileh, S., Abualruz, H., Abubakar, B., Abu-Gharbieh, E., Abu-Rmeileh, N. M. E., Aburuz, S., Abu-Zaid, A., Accrombessi, M. M. K., Adal, T. G., Adamu, A. A., Addo, I. Y., Addolorato, G., Adebiyi, A. O., Adekanmbi, V., Adepoju, A. V., Adetunji, C. O., Adetunji, J. B., Adeyeoluwa, T. E., Adeyinka, D. A., Adeyomoye, O. I., Admass, B. A. A., Adnani, Q. E. S., Adra, S., Afolabi, A. A., Afzal, M. S., Afzal, S., Agampodi, S. B., Agasthi, P., Aggarwal, M., Aghamiri, S., Agide, F. D., Agodi, A., Agrawal, A., Agyemang-Duah, W., Ahinkorah, B. O., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, D., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, M. M., Ahmad, S., Ahmad, S., Ahmad, T., Ahmadi, K., Ahmadzade, A. M., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, H., Ahmed, L. A., Ahmed, M. S., Ahmed, M. S., Ahmed, M. B., Ahmed, S. A., Ajami, M., Aji, B., Akara, E. M., Akbarialiabad, H., Akinosoglou, K., Akinyemiju, T., Akkaif, M. A., Akyirem, S., Al Hamad, H., Al Hasan, S. M., Alahdab, F., Alalalmeh, S. O., Alalwan, T. A., Al-Aly, Z., Alam, K., Alam, M., Alam, N., Al-amer, R. M., Alanezi, F. M., Alanzi, T. M., Al-Azzam, S., Albakri, A., Albashtawy, M., AlBataineh, M. T., Alcalde-Rabanal, J. E., Aldawsari, K. A., Aldhaleei, W. A., Aldridge, R. W., Alema, H. B., Alemayohu, M. A., Alemi, S., Alemu, Y. M., Al-Gheethi, A. A. S., Alhabib, K. F., Alhalaiqa, F. A. N., Al-Hanawi, M. K., Ali, A., Ali, A., Ali, L., Ali, M. U., Ali, R., Ali, S., Ali, S. S. S., Alicandro, G., Alif, S. M., Alikhani, R., Alimohamadi, Y., Aliyi, A. A., Aljasir, M. A. M., Aljunid, S. M., Alla, F., Allebeck, P., Al-Marwani, S., Al-Maweri, S. A. A., Almazan, J. U., Al-Mekhlafi, H. M., Almidani, L., Almidani, O., Alomari, M. A., Al-Omari, B., Alonso, J., Alqahtani, J. S., Alqalyoobi, S., Alqutaibi, A. Y., Al-Sabah, S. K., Altaany, Z., Altaf, A., Al-Tawfiq, J. A., Altirkawi, K. A., Aluh, D. O., Alvis-Guzman, N., Alwafi, H., Al-Worafi, Y. M., Aly, H., Aly, S., Alzoubi, K. H., Amani, R., Amare, A. T., Amegbor, P. M., Ameyaw, E. K., Amin, T. T., Amindarolzarbi, A., Amiri, S., Amirzade-Iranaq, M. H., Amu, H., Amugsi, D. A., Amusa, G. A., Ancuceanu, R., Anderlini, D., Anderson, D. B., Andrade, P. P., Andrei, C. L., Andrei, T., Angus, C., Anil, A., Anil, S., Anoushiravani, A., Ansari, H., Ansariadi, A., Ansari-Moghaddam, A., Antony, C. M., Antriyandarti, E., Anvari, D., Anvari, S., Anwar, S., Anwar, S. L., Anwer, R., Anyasodor, A. E., Aqeel, M., Arab, J. P., Arabloo, J., Arafat, M., Aravkin, A. Y., Areda, D., Aremu, A., Aremu, O., Ariffin, H., Arkew, M., Armocida, B., Arndt, M. B., Ärnlöv, J., Arooj, M., Artamonov, A. A., Arulappan, J., Aruleba, R. T., Arumugam, A., Asaad, M., Asadi-Lari, M., Asgedom, A. A., Asghariahmadabad, M., Asghari-Jafarabadi, M., Ashraf, M., Aslani, A., Astell-Burt, T., Athar, M., Athari, S. S., Atinafu, B. T. T., Atlaw, H. W., Atorkey, P., Atout, M. M. W., Atreya, A., Aujayeb, A., Ausloos, M., Avan, A., Awedew, A. F., Aweke, A. M., Ayala Quintanilla, B. P., Ayatollahi, H., Ayuso-Mateos, J. L., Ayyoubzadeh, S. M., Azadnajafabad, S., Azevedo, R. M. S., Azzam, A. Y., B, D. B., Babu, A. S., Badar, M., Badiye, A. D., Baghdadi, S., Bagheri, N., Bagherieh, S., Bah, S., Bahadorikhalili, S., Bahmanziari, N., Bai, R., Baig, A. A., Baker, J. L., Bako, A. T., Bakshi, R. K., Balakrishnan, S., Balasubramanian, M., Baltatu, O. C., Bam, K., Banach, M., Bandyopadhyay, S., Banik, P. C., Bansal, H., Bansal, K., Barbic, F., Barchitta, M., Bardhan, M., Bardideh, E., Barker-Collo, S. L., Bärnighausen, T. W., Barone-Adesi, F., Barqawi, H. J., Barrero, L. H., Barrow, A., Barteit, S., Barua, L., Basharat, Z., Bashiri, A., Basiru, A., Baskaran, P., Basnyat, B., Bassat, Q., Basso, J. D., Basting, A. V. L., Basu, S., Batra, K., Baune, B. T., Bayati, M., Bayileyegn, N. S., Beaney, T., Bedi, N., Beghi, M., Behboudi, E., Behera, P., Behnoush, A. H., Behzadifar, M., Beiranvand, M., Bejarano Ramirez, D. F., Béjot, Y., Belay, S. A., Belete, C. M., Bell, M. L., Bello, M. B., Bello, O. O., Belo, L., Beloukas, A., Bender, R. G., Bensenor, I. M., Beran, A., Berezvai, Z., Berhie, A. Y., Berice, B. N., Bernstein, R. S., Bertolacci, G. J., Bettencourt, P. J. G., Beyene, K. A., Bhagat, D. S., Bhagavathula, A. S., Bhala, N., Bhalla, A., Bhandari, D., Bhangdia, K., Bhardwaj, N., Bhardwaj, P., Bhardwaj, P. V., Bhargava, A., Bhaskar, S., Bhat, V., Bhatti, G. K., Bhatti, J. S., Bhatti, M. S., Bhatti, R., Bhutta, Z. A., Bikbov, B., Bishai, J. D., Bisignano, C., Bisulli, F., Biswas, A., Biswas, B., Bitaraf, S., Bitew, B. D., Bitra, V. R., Bjørge, T., Boachie, M. K., Boampong, M. S., Bobirca, A. V., Bodolica, V., Bodunrin, A. O., Bogale, E. K., Bogale, K. A., Bohlouli, S., Bolarinwa, O. A., Boloor, A., Bonakdar Hashemi, M., Bonny, A., Bora, K., Bora Basara, B., Borhany, H., Borzutzky, A., Bouaoud, S., Boustany, A., Boxe, C., Boyko, E. J., Brady, O. J., Braithwaite, D., Brant, L. C., Brauer, M., Brazinova, A., Brazo-Sayavera, J., Breitborde, N. J. K., Breitner, S., Brenner, H., Briko, A. N., Briko, N. I., Britton, G., Brown, J., Brugha, T., Bulamu, N. B., Bulto, L. N., Buonsenso, D., Burns, R. A., Busse, R., Bustanji, Y., Butt, N. S., Butt, Z. A., Caetano dos Santos, F. L., Calina, D., Cámera, L. A., Campos, L. A., Campos-Nonato, I. R., Cao, C., Cao, Y., Capodici, A., Cárdenas, R., Carr, S., Carreras, G., Carrero, J. J., Carugno, A., Carvalheiro, C. G., Carvalho, F., Carvalho, M., Castaldelli-Maia, J. M., Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., Castelpietra, G., Catalá-López, F., Catapano, A. L., Cattaruzza, M. S., Cederroth, C. R., Cegolon, L., Cembranel, F., Cenderadewi, M., Cercy, K. M., Cerin, E., Cevik, M., Chadwick, J., Chahine, Y., Chakraborty, C., Chakraborty, P. A., Chan, J. S. K., Chan, R. N. C., Chandika, R. M., Chandrasekar, E. K., Chang, C-K., Chang, J-C., Chanie, G. S., Charalampous, P., Chattu, V. K., Chaturvedi, P., Chatzimavridou-Grigoriadou, V., Chaurasia, A., Chen, A. W., Chen, A-T., Chen, C. S., Chen, H., Chen, M. X., Chen, S., Cheng, C-Y., Cheng, E. T. W., Cherbuin, N., Cheru, W. A., Chien, J-H., Chimed-Ochir, O., Chimoriya, R., Ching, P. R., Chirinos-Caceres, J. L., Chitheer, A., Cho, W. C. S., Chong, B., Chopra, H., Choudhari, S. G., Chowdhury, R., Christopher, D. J., Chukwu, I. S., Chung, E., Chung, E., Chung, E., Chung, S-C., Chutiyami, M., Cindi, Z., Cioffi, I., Claassens, M. M., Claro, R. M., Coberly, K., Cogen, R. M., Columbus, A., Comfort, H., Conde, J., Cortese, S., Cortesi, P. A., Costa, V. M., Costanzo, S., Cousin, E., Couto, R. A. S., Cowden, R. G., Cramer, K. M., Criqui, M. H., Cruz-Martins, N., Cuadra-Hernández, S. M., Culbreth, G. T., Cullen, P., Cunningham, M., Curado, M. P., Dadana, S., Dadras, O., Dai, S., Dai, X., Dai, Z., Dalli, L. L., Damiani, G., Darega Gela, J., Das, J. K., Das, S., Das, S., Dascalu, A. M., Dash, N. R., Dashti, M., Dastiridou, A., Davey, G., Dávila-Cervantes, C. A., Davis Weaver, N., Davletov, K., De Leo, D., de Luca, K., Debele, A. T., Debopadhaya, S., Degenhardt, L., Dehghan, A., Deitesfeld, L., Del Bo', C., Delgado-Enciso, I., Demessa, B. H., Demetriades, A. K., Deng, K., Deng, X., Denova-Gutiérrez, E., Deravi, N., Dereje, N., Dervenis, N., Dervišević, E., Des Jarlais, D. C., Desai, H. D., Desai, R., Devanbu, V. G. C., Dewan, S. M. R., Dhali, A., Dhama, K., Dhimal, M., Dhingra, S., Dhulipala, V. R., Dias da Silva, D., Diaz, D., Diaz, M. J., Dima, A., Ding, D. D., Ding, H., Dinis-Oliveira, R. J., Dirac, M. A., Djalalinia, S., Do, T. H. P., do Prado, C. B., Doaei, S., Dodangeh, M., Dodangeh, M., Dohare, S., Dokova, K. G., Dolecek, C., Dominguez, R-M. V., Dong, W., Dongarwar, D., D'Oria, M., Dorostkar, F., Dorsey, E. R., dos Santos, W. M., Doshi, R., Doshmangir, L., Dowou, R. K., Driscoll, T. R., Dsouza, H. L., Dsouza, V., Du, M., Dube, J., Duncan, B. B., Duraes, A. R., Duraisamy, S., Durojaiye, O. C., Dwyer-Lindgren, L., Dzianach, P. A., Dziedzic, A. M., E'mar, A. R., Eboreime, E., Ebrahimi, A., Echieh, C. P., Edinur, H. A., Edvardsson, D., Edvardsson, K., Efendi, D., Efendi, F., Effendi, D. E., Eikemo, T. A., Eini, E., Ekholuenetale, M., Ekundayo, T. C., El Sayed, I., Elbarazi, I., Elema, T. B., Elemam, N. M., Elgar, F. J., Elgendy, I. Y., ElGohary, G. M. T., Elhabashy, H. R., Elhadi, M., El-Huneidi, W., Elilo, L. T., Elmeligy, O. A. A., Elmonem, M. A., Elshaer, M., Elsohaby, I., Emeto, T. I., Engelbert Bain, L., Erkhembayar, R., Esezobor, C. I., Eshrati, B., Eskandarieh, S., Espinosa-Montero, J., Esubalew, H., Etaee, F., Fabin, N., Fadaka, A. O., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Fahim, A., Fahimi, S., Fakhri-Demeshghieh, A., Falzone, L., Fareed, M., Farinha, C. S. E. S., Faris, M. E. M., Faris, P. S., Faro, A., Fasanmi, A. O., Fatehizadeh, A., Fattahi, H., Fauk, N. K., Fazeli, P., Feigin, V. L., Feizkhah, A., Fekadu, G., Feng, X., Fereshtehnejad, S-M., Feroze, A. H., Ferrante, D., Ferrari, A. J., Ferreira, N., Fetensa, G., Feyisa, B. R., Filip, I., Fischer, F., Flavel, J., Flood, D., Florin, B. T., Foigt, N. A., Folayan, M. O., Fomenkov, A. A., Foroutan, B., Foroutan, M., Forthun, I., Fortuna, D., Foschi, M., Fowobaje, K. R., Francis, K. L., Franklin, R. C., Freitas, A., Friedman, J., Friedman, S. D., Fukumoto, T., Fuller, J. E., Fux, B., Gaal, P. A., Gadanya, M. A., Gaidhane, A. M., Gaihre, S., Gakidou, E., Galali, Y., Galles, N. C., Gallus, S., Ganbat, M., Gandhi, A. P., Ganesan, B., Ganiyani, M. A., Garcia-Gordillo, M. A., Gardner, W. M., Garg, J., Garg, N., Gautam, R. K., Gbadamosi, S. O., Gebi, T. G., Gebregergis, M. W., Gebrehiwot, M., Gebremeskel, T. G., Georgescu, S. R., Getachew, T., Gething, P. W., Getie, M., Ghadiri, K., Ghahramani, S., Ghailan, K. Y., Ghasemi, M-R., Ghasempour Dabaghi, G., Ghasemzadeh, A., Ghashghaee, A., Ghassemi, F., Ghazy, R. M., Ghimire, A., Ghoba, S., Gholamalizadeh, M., Gholamian, A., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Gholizadeh, N., Ghorbani, M., Ghorbani Vajargah, P., Ghoshal, A. G., Gill, P. S., Gill, T. K., Gillum, R. F., Ginindza, T. G., Girmay, A., Glasbey, J. C., Gnedovskaya, E. V., Göbölös, L., Godinho, M. A., Goel, A., Golchin, A., Goldust, M., Golechha, M., Goleij, P., Gomes, N. G. M., Gona, P. N., Gopalani, S. V., Gorini, G., Goudarzi, H., Goulart, A. C., Goulart, B. N. G., Goyal, A., Grada, A., Graham, S. M., Grivna, M., Grosso, G., Guan, S-Y., Guarducci, G., Gubari, M. I. M., Gudeta, M. D., Guha, A., Guicciardi, S., Guimarães, R. A., Gulati, S., Gunawardane, D. A., Gunturu, S., Guo, C., Gupta, A. K., Gupta, B., Gupta, M. K., Gupta, M., Gupta, R. D., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Gupta, V. K., Gurmessa, L., Gutiérrez, R. A., Habibzadeh, F., Habibzadeh, P., Haddadi, R., Hadei, M., Hadi, N. R., Haep, N., Hafezi-Nejad, N., Hailu, A., Haj-Mirzaian, A., Halboub, E. S., Hall, B. J., Haller, S., Halwani, R., Hamadeh, R. R., Hameed, S., Hamidi, S., Hamilton, E. B., Han, C., Han, Q., Hanif, A., Hanifi, N., Hankey, G. J., Hanna, F., Hannan, M. A., Haque, M. N., Harapan, H., Hargono, A., Haro, J. M., Hasaballah, A. I., Hasan, I., Hasan, M. T., Hasani, H., Hasanian, M., Hashi, A., Hasnain, M. S., Hassan, I., Hassanipour, S., Hassankhani, H., Haubold, J., Havmoeller, R. J., Hay, S. I., He, J., Hebert, J. J., Hegazi, O. E., Heidari, G., Heidari, M., Heidari-Foroozan, M., Helfer, B., Hendrie, D., Herrera-Serna, B. Y., Herteliu, C., Hesami, H., Hezam, K., Hill, C. L., Hiraike, Y., Holla, R., Horita, N., Hossain, M. M., Hossain, S., Hosseini, M-S., Hosseinzadeh, H., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hosseinzadeh Adli, A., Hostiuc, M., Hostiuc, S., Hsairi, M., Hsieh, V. C-R., Hsu, R. L., Hu, C., Huang, J., Hultström, M., Humayun, A., Hundie, T. G., Hussain, J., Hussain, M. A., Hussein, N. R., Hussien, F. M., Huynh, H-H., Hwang, B-F., Ibitoye, S. E., Ibrahim, K. S., Iftikhar, P. M., Ijo, D., Ikiroma, A. I., Ikuta, K. S., Ikwegbue, P. C., Ilesanmi, O. S., Ilic, I. M., Ilic, M. D., Imam, M. T., Immurana, M., Inamdar, S., Indriasih, E., Iqhrammullah, M., Iradukunda, A., Iregbu, K. C., Islam, M. R., Islam, S. M. S., Islami, F., Ismail, F., Ismail, N. E., Iso, H., Isola, G., Iwagami, M., Iwu, C. C. D., Iyamu, I. O., Iyer, M., J, L. M., Jaafari, J., Jacob, L., Jacobsen, K. H., Jadidi-Niaragh, F., Jafarinia, M., Jafarzadeh, A., Jaggi, K., Jahankhani, K., Jahanmehr, N., Jahrami, H., Jain, N., Jairoun, A. A., Jaiswal, A., Jamshidi, E., Janko, M. M., Jatau, A. I., Javadov, S., Javaheri, T., Jayapal, S. K., Jayaram, S., Jebai, R., Jee, S. H., Jeganathan, J., Jha, A. K., Jha, R. P., Jiang, H., Jin, Y., Johnson, O., Jokar, M., Jonas, J. B., Joo, T., Joseph, A., Joseph, N., Joshua, C. E., Joshy, G., Jozwiak, J. J., Jürisson, M., K, V., Kaambwa, B., Kabir, A., Kabir, Z., Kadashetti, V., Kadir, D. H., Kalani, R., Kalankesh, L. R., Kalankesh, L. R., Kaliyadan, F., Kalra, S., Kamal, V. K., Kamarajah, S. K., Kamath, R., Kamiab, Z., Kamyari, N., Kanagasabai, T., Kanchan, T., Kandel, H., Kanmanthareddy, A. R., Kanmiki, E. W., Kanmodi, K. K., Kannan S, S., Kansal, S. K., Kantar, R. S., Kapoor, N., Karajizadeh, M., Karanth, S. D., Karasneh, R. A., Karaye, I. M., Karch, A., Karim, A., Karimi, S. E., Karimi Behnagh, A., Kashoo, F. Z., Kasnazani, Q. H. A., Kasraei, H., Kassebaum, N. J., Kassel, M. B., Kauppila, J. H., Kaur, N., Kawakami, N., Kayode, G. A., Kazemi, F., Kazemian, S., Kazmi, T. H., Kebebew, G. M., Kebede, A. D., Kebede, F., Keflie, T. S., Keiyoro, P. N., Keller, C., Kelly, J. T., Kempen, J. H., Kerr, J. A., Kesse-Guyot, E., Khajuria, H., Khalaji, A., Khalid, N., Khalil, A. A., Khalilian, A., Khamesipour, F., Khan, A., Khan, A., Khan, G., Khan, I., Khan, I. A., Khan, M. N., Khan, M., Khan, M. J., Khan, M. A. B., Khan, Z. A., Khan suheb, M. Z., Khanmohammadi, S., Khatab, K., Khatami, F., Khatatbeh, H., Khatatbeh, M. M., Khavandegar, A., Khayat Kashani, H. R., Khidri, F. F., Khodadoust, E., Khorgamphar, M., Khormali, M., Khorrami, Z., Khosravi, A., Khosravi, M. A., Kifle, Z. D., Kim, G., Kim, J., Kim, K., Kim, M. S., Kim, Y. J., Kimokoti, R. W., Kinzel, K. E., Kisa, A., Kisa, S., Klu, D., Knudsen, A. K. S., Kocarnik, J. M., Kochhar, S., Kocsis, T., Koh, D. S. Q., Kolahi, A-A., Kolves, K., Kompani, F., Koren, G., Kosen, S., Kostev, K., Koul, P. A., Koulmane Laxminarayana, S. L., Krishan, K., Krishna, H., Krishna, V., Krishnamoorthy, V., Krishnamoorthy, Y., Krohn, K. J., Kuate Defo, B., Kucuk Bicer, B., Kuddus, M. A., Kuddus, M., Kuitunen, I., Kulimbet, M., Kulkarni, V., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Kumar, H., Kumar, M., Kumar, R., Kumari, M., Kumie, F. T., Kundu, S., Kurmi, O. P., Kusnali, A., Kusuma, D. ORCID: 0000-0002-1909-9341, Kwarteng, A., Kyriopoulos, I., Kyu, H. H., La Vecchia, C., Lacey, B., Ladan, M. A., Laflamme, L., Lagat, A. K., Lager, A. C. J., Lahmar, A., Lai, D. T. C., Lal, D. K., Lalloo, R., Lallukka, T., Lam, H., Lám, J., Landrum, K. R., Lanfranchi, F., Lang, J. J., Langguth, B., Lansingh, V. C., Laplante-Lévesque, A., Larijani, B., Larsson, A. O., Lasrado, S., Lassi, Z. S., Latief, K., Latifinaibin, K., Lauriola, P., Le, N. H. H., Le, T. T. T., Le, T. D. T., Ledda, C., Ledesma, J. R., Lee, M., Lee, P. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, S. W. H., Lee, W-C., Lee, Y. H., LeGrand, K. E., Leigh, J., Leong, E., Lerango, T. L., Li, M-C., Li, W., Li, X., Li, Y., Li, Z., Ligade, V. S., Likaka, A. T. M., Lim, L-L., Lim, S. S., Lindstrom, M., Linehan, C., Liu, C., Liu, G., Liu, J., Liu, R., Liu, S., Liu, X., Liu, X., Llanaj, E., Loftus, M. J., López-Bueno, R., Lopukhov, P. D., Loreche, A. M., Lorkowski, S., Lotufo, P. A., Lozano, R., Lubinda, J., Lucchetti, G., Lugo, A., Lunevicius, R., Ma, Z. F., Maass, K. L., Machairas, N., Machoy, M., Madadizadeh, F., Madsen, C., Madureira-Carvalho, Á. M., Maghazachi, A. A., Maharaj, S. B., Mahjoub, S., Mahmoud, M. A., Mahmoudi, A., Mahmoudi, E., Mahmoudi, R., Majeed, A., Makhdoom, I. F., Malakan Rad, E., Maled, V., Malekzadeh, R., Malhotra, A. K., Malhotra, K., Malik, A. A., Malik, I., Malta, D. C., Mamun, A. A., Mansouri, P., Mansournia, M. A., Mantovani, L. G., Maqsood, S., Marasini, B. P., Marateb, H. R., Maravilla, J. C., Marconi, A. M., Mardi, P., Marino, M., Marjani, A., Martinez, G., Martinez-Guerra, B. A., Martinez-Piedra, R., Martini, D., Martini, S., Martins-Melo, F. R., Martorell, M., Marx, W., Maryam, S., Marzo, R. R., Masaka, A., Masrie, A., Mathieson, S., Mathioudakis, A. G., Mathur, M. R., Mattumpuram, J., Matzopoulos, R., Maude, R. J., Maugeri, A., Maulik, P. K., Mayeli, M., Mazaheri, M., Mazidi, M., McGrath, J. J., McKee, M., McKowen, A. L. W., McLaughlin, S. A., McPhail, S. M., Mechili, E. A., Medina, J. R. C., Mediratta, R. P., Meena, J. K., Mehra, R., Mehrabani-Zeinabad, K., Mehrabi Nasab, E., Mekene Meto, T., Meles, G. G., Mendez-Lopez, M. A. M., Mendoza, W., Menezes, R. G., Mengist, B., Mentis, A-F. A., Meo, S. A., Meresa, H. A., Meretoja, A., Meretoja, T. J., Mersha, A. M., Mesfin, B. A., Mestrovic, T., Mettananda, K. C. D., Mettananda, S., Meylakhs, P., Mhlanga, A., Mhlanga, L., Mi, T., Miazgowski, T., Micha, G., Michalek, I. M., Miller, T. R., Mills, E. J., Minh, L. H. N., Mini, G. K., Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, P., Mirica, A., Mirijello, A., Mirrakhimov, E. M., Mirutse, M. K., Mirzaei, M., Misganaw, A., Mishra, A., Misra, S., Mitchell, P. B., Mithra, P., Mittal, C., Mobayen, M., Moberg, M. E., Mohamadkhani, A., Mohamed, J., Mohamed, M. F. H., Mohamed, N. S., Mohammad-Alizadeh-Charandabi, S., Mohammadi, S., Mohammadian-Hafshejani, A., Mohammadifard, N., Mohammed, H., Mohammed, H., Mohammed, M., Mohammed, S., Mohammed, S., Mohan, V., Mojiri-Forushani, H., Mokari, A., Mokdad, A. H., Molinaro, S., Molokhia, M., Momtazmanesh, S., Monasta, L., Mondello, S., Moni, M. A., Moodi Ghalibaf, A., Moradi, M., Moradi, Y., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Moradzadeh, M., Moraga, P., Morawska, L., Moreira, R. S., Morovatdar, N., Morrison, S. D., Morze, J., Mosser, J. F., Motappa, R., Mougin, V., Mouodi, S., Mousavi, P., Mousavi, S. E., Mousavi Khaneghah, A., Mpolya, E. A., Mrejen, M., Mubarik, S., Muccioli, L., Mueller, U. O., Mughal, F., Mukherjee, S., Mulita, F., Munjal, K., Murillo-Zamora, E., Musaigwa, F., Musallam, K. M., Mustafa, A., Mustafa, G., Muthupandian, S., Muthusamy, R., Muzaffar, M., Myung, W., Nagarajan, A. J., Nagel, G., Naghavi, P., Naheed, A., Naik, G. R., Naik, G., Nainu, F., Nair, S., Najmuldeen, H. H. R., Nakhostin Ansari, N., Nangia, V., Naqvi, A. A., Narasimha Swamy, S., Narayana, A. I., Nargus, S., Nascimento, B. R., Nascimento, G. G., Nasehi, S., Nashwan, A. J., Natto, Z. S., Nauman, J., Naveed, M., Nayak, B. P., Nayak, V. C., Nazri-Panjaki, A., Ndejjo, R., Nduaguba, S. O., Negash, H., Negoi, I., Negoi, R. I., Negru, S. M., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Nejjari, C., Nena, E., Nepal, S., Ng, M., Nggada, H. A., Nguefack-Tsague, G., Ngunjiri, J. W., Nguyen, A. H., Nguyen, D. H., Nguyen, H. T. H., Nguyen, P. T., Nguyen, V. T., Niazi, R. K., Nielsen, K. R., Nigatu, Y. T., Nikolouzakis, T. K., Nikoobar, A., Nikoomanesh, F., Nikpoor, A. R., Ningrum, D. N. A., Nnaji, C. A., Nnyanzi, L. A., Noman, E. A., Nomura, S., Noreen, M., Noroozi, N., Norrving, B., Noubiap, J. J., Novotney, A., Nri-Ezedi, C. A., Ntaios, G., Ntsekhe, M., Nuñez-Samudio, V., Nurrika, D., Nutor, J. J., Oancea, B., Obamiro, K. O., Oboh, M. A., Odetokun, I. A., Odogwu, N. M., O'Donnell, M. J., Oduro, M. S., Ofakunrin, A. O. D., Ogunkoya, A., Oguntade, A. S., Oh, I-H., Okati-Aliabad, H., Okeke, S. R., Okekunle, A. P., Okonji, O. C., Olagunju, A. T., Olaiya, M. T., Olatubi, M. I., Oliveira, G. M. M., Olufadewa, I. I., Olusanya, B. O., Olusanya, J. O., Oluwafemi, Y. D., Omar, H. A., Omar Bali, A., Omer, G. L., Ondayo, M. A., Ong, S., Onwujekwe, O. E., Onyedibe, K. I., Ordak, M., Orisakwe, O. E., Orish, V. N., Ortega-Altamirano, D. V., Ortiz, A., Osman, W. M. S., Ostroff, S. M., Osuagwu, U. L., Otoiu, A., Otstavnov, N., Otstavnov, S. S., Ouyahia, A., Ouyang, G., Owolabi, M. O., Ozten, Y., P A, M. P., Padron-Monedero, A., Padubidri, J. R., Pal, P. K., Palicz, T., Palladino, C., Palladino, R., Palma-Alvarez, R. F., Pan, F., Pan, H-F., Pana, A., Panda, P., Panda-Jonas, S., Pandi-Perumal, S. R., Pangaribuan, H. U., Panos, G. D., Panos, L. D., Pantazopoulos, I., Pantea Stoian, A. M., Papadopoulou, P., Parikh, R. R., Park, S., Parthasarathi, A., Pashaei, A., Pasovic, M., Passera, R., Pasupula, D. K., Patel, H. M., Patel, J., Patel, S. K., Patil, S., Patoulias, D., Patthipati, V. S., Paudel, U., Pazoki Toroudi, H., Pease, S. A., Peden, A. E., Pedersini, P., Pensato, U., Pepito, V. C. F., Peprah, E. K., Peprah, P., Perdigão, J., Pereira, M., Peres, M. F. P., Perianayagam, A., Perico, N., Pestell, R. G., Pesudovs, K., Petermann-Rocha, F. E., Petri, W. A., Pham, H. T., Philip, A. K., Phillips, M. R., Pierannunzio, D., Pigeolet, M., Pigott, D. M., Pilgrim, T., Piracha, Z. Z., Piradov, M. A., Pirouzpanah, S., Plakkal, N., Plotnikov, E., Podder, V., Poddighe, D., Polinder, S., Polkinghorne, K. R., Poluru, R., Ponkilainen, V. T., Porru, F., Postma, M. J., Poudel, G. R., Pourshams, A., Pourtaheri, N., Prada, S. I., Pradhan, P. M. S., Prakasham, T. N., Prasad, M., Prashant, A., Prates, E. J. S., Prieto Alhambra, D., PRISCILLA, T., Pritchett, N., Purohit, B. M., Puvvula, J., Qasim, N. H., Qattea, I., Qazi, A. S., Qian, G., Qiu, S., Qureshi, M. F., Rabiee Rad, M., Radfar, A., Radhakrishnan, R. A., Radhakrishnan, V., Raeisi Shahraki, H., Rafferty, Q., Raggi, A., Raghav, P. R., Raheem, N., Rahim, F., Rahim, M. J., Rahimi-Movaghar, V., Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. H. U., Rahman, M., Rahman, M. A., Rahmani, A. M., Rahmani, S., Rahmanian, V., Rajaa, S., Rajput, P., Rakovac, I., Ramasamy, S. K., Ramazanu, S., Rana, K., Ranabhat, C. L., Rancic, N., Rane, A., Rao, C. R., Rao, I. R., Rao, M., Rao, S. J., Rasali, D. P., Rasella, D., Rashedi, S., Rashedi, V., Rashidi, M-M., Rasouli-Saravani, A., Rasul, A., Rathnaiah Babu, G., Rauniyar, S. K., Ravangard, R., Ravikumar, N., Rawaf, D. L., Rawaf, S., Rawal, L., Rawassizadeh, R., Rawlley, B., Raza, R. Z., Razo, C., Redwan, E. M. M., Rehman, F. U., Reifels, L., Reiner Jr, R. C., Remuzzi, G., Reyes, L. F., Rezaei, M., Rezaei, N., Rezaei, N., Rezaeian, M., Rhee, T. G., Riaz, M. A., Ribeiro, A. L. P., Rickard, J., Riva, H. R., Robinson-Oden, H. E., Rodrigues, C. F., Rodrigues, M., Roever, L., Rogowski, E. L. B., Rohloff, P., Romadlon, D. S., Romero-Rodríguez, E., Romoli, M., Ronfani, L., Roshandel, G., Roth, G. A., Rout, H. S., Roy, N., Roy, P., Rubagotti, E., Ruela, G. D. A., Rumisha, S. F., Runghien, T., Rwegerera, G. M., Rynkiewicz, A., S N, C., Saad, A. M. A., Saadatian, Z., Saber, K., Saber-Ayad, M. M., SaberiKamarposhti, M., Sabour, S., Sacco, S., Sachdev, P. S., Sachdeva, R., Saddik, B., Saddler, A., Sadee, B. A., Sadeghi, E., Sadeghi, E., Sadeghian, F., Saeb, M. R., Saeed, U., Safaeinejad, F., Safi, S. Z., Sagar, R., Saghazadeh, A., Sagoe, D., Saheb Sharif-Askari, F., Saheb Sharif-Askari, N., Sahebkar, A., Sahoo, S. S., Sahoo, U., Sahu, M., Saif, Z., Sajid, M. R., Sakshaug, J. W., Salam, N., Salamati, P., Salami, A. A., Salaroli, L. B., Saleh, M. A., Salehi, S., Salem, M. R., Salem, M. Z. Y., Salimi, S., Samadi Kafil, H., Samadzadeh, S., Samargandy, S., Samodra, Y. L., Samy, A. M., Sanabria, J., Sanna, F., Santomauro, D. F., Santos, I. S., Santric-Milicevic, M. M., Sao Jose, B. P., Sarasmita, M. A., Saraswathy, S. Y. I., Saravanan, A., Saravi, B., Sarikhani, Y., Sarkar, T., Sarmiento-Suárez, R., Sarode, G. S., Sarode, S. C., Sarveazad, A., Sathian, B., Sathish, T., Satpathy, M., Sayeed, A., Sayeed, M. A., Saylan, M., Sayyah, M., Scarmeas, N., Schaarschmidt, B. M., Schlaich, M. P., Schlee, W., Schmidt, M. I., Schneider, I. J. C., Schuermans, A., Schumacher, A. E., Schutte, A. E., Schwarzinger, M., Schwebel, D. C., Schwendicke, F., Šekerija, M., Selvaraj, S., Senapati, S., Senthilkumaran, S., Sepanlou, S. G., Serban, D., Sethi, Y., Sha, F., Shabany, M., Shafaat, A., Shafie, M., Shah, N. S., Shah, P. A., Shah, S. M., Shahabi, S., Shahbandi, A., Shahid, I., Shahid, S., Shahid, W., Shahsavari, H. R., Shahwan, M. J., Shaikh, A., Shaikh, M. A., Shakeri, A., Shalash, A. S., Sham, S., Shamim, M. A., Shams-Beyranvand, M., Shamshad, H., Shamsi, M. A., Shanawaz, M., Shankar, A., Sharfaei, S., Sharifan, A., Sharifi-Rad, J., Sharma, R., Sharma, S., Sharma, U., Sharma, V., Shastry, R. P., Shavandi, A., Shayan, M., Shehabeldine, A. M. E., Sheikh, A., Sheikhi, R. A., Shen, J., Shetty, A., Shetty, B. S. K., Shetty, P. H., Shi, P., Shibuya, K., Shiferaw, D., Shigematsu, M., Shin, M-J., Shin, Y. H., Shiri, R., Shirkoohi, R., Shitaye, N. A., Shittu, A., Shiue, I., Shivakumar, K. M., Shivarov, V., Shokraneh, F., Shokri, A., Shool, S., Shorofi, S. A., Shrestha, S., Shuval, K., Siddig, E. E., Silva, J. P., Silva, L. M. L. R., Silva, S., Simpson, C. R., Singal, A., Singh, A., Singh, B. B., Singh, G., Singh, J., Singh, N. P., Singh, P., Singh, S., Sinha, D. N., Sinto, R., Siraj, M. S., Sirota, S. B., Sitas, F., Sivakumar, S., Skryabin, V. Y., Skryabina, A. A., Sleet, D. A., Socea, B., Sokhan, A., Solanki, R., Solanki, S., Soleimani, H., Soliman, S. S. M., Song, S., Song, Y., Sorensen, R. J. D., Soriano, J. B., Soyiri, I. N., Spartalis, M., Spearman, S., Sreeramareddy, C. T., Srivastava, V. K., Stanaway, J. D., Stanikzai, M. H., Stark, B. A., Starnes, J. R., Starodubova, A. V., Stein, C., Stein, D. J., Steinbeis, F., Steiner, C., Steinmetz, J. D., Steiropoulos, P., Stevanović, A., Stockfelt, L., Stokes, M. A., Stortecky, S., Subramaniyan, V., Suleman, M., Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R., Sultana, A., Sun, H. Z., Sun, J., Sundström, J., Sunkersing, D., Sunnerhagen, K. S., Swain, C. K., Szarpak, L., Szeto, M. D., Szócska, M., Tabaee Damavandi, P., Tabarés-Seisdedos, R., Tabatabaei, S. M., Tabatabaei Malazy, O., Tabatabaeizadeh, S-A., Tabatabai, S., Tabish, M., TADAKAMADLA, J., Tadakamadla, S. K., Taheri Abkenar, Y., Taheri Soodejani, M., Taiba, J., Takahashi, K., Talaat, I. M., Talukder, A., Tampa, M., Tamuzi, J. L., Tan, K-K., Tandukar, S., Tang, H., Tang, H. K., Tarigan, I. U., Tariku, M. K., Tariqujjaman, M., Tarkang, E. E., Tavakoli Oliaee, R., Tavangar, S. M., Taveira, N., Tefera, Y. M., Temsah, M-H., Temsah, R. M. H., Teramoto, M., Tesler, R., Teye-Kwadjo, E., Thakur, R., Thangaraju, P., Thankappan, K. R., Tharwat, S., Thayakaran, R., Thomas, N., Thomas, N. K., Thomson, A. M., Thrift, A. G., Thum, C. C. C., Thygesen, L. C., Tian, J., Tichopad, A., Ticoalu, J. H. V., Tillawi, T., Tiruye, T. Y., Titova, M. V., Tonelli, M., Topor-Madry, R., Toriola, A. T., Torre, A. E., Touvier, M., Tovani-Palone, M. R., Tran, J. T., Tran, N. M., Trico, D., Tromans, S. J., Truyen, T. T. T. T., Tsatsakis, A., Tsegay, G. M., Tsermpini, E. E., Tumurkhuu, M., Tung, K., Tyrovolas, S., Uddin, S. M. N., Udoakang, A. J., Udoh, A., Ullah, A., Ullah, I., Ullah, S., Ullah, S., Umakanthan, S., Umeokonkwo, C. D., Unim, B., Unnikrishnan, B., Unsworth, C. A., Upadhyay, E., Urso, D., Usman, J. S., Vahabi, S. M., Vaithinathan, A. G., Valizadeh, R., Van de Velde, S. M., Van den Eynde, J., Varga, O., Vart, P., Varthya, S. B., Vasankari, T. 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Schumacher, A. E., Kyu, H. H., Aali, A. , Abbafati, C., Abbas, J., Abbasgholizadeh, R., Abbasi, M. A., Abbasian, M., Abd ElHafeez, S., Abdelmasseh, M., Abd-Elsalam, S., Abdelwahab, A., Abdollahi, M., Abdoun, M., Abdullahi, A., Abdurehman, A. M., Abebe, M., Abedi, A., Abedi, A., Abegaz, T. M., Abeldaño Zuñiga, R. A., Abhilash, E. S., Abiodun, O. O., Aboagye, R. G., Abolhassani, H., Abouzid, M., Abreu, L. G., Abrha, W. A., Abrigo, M. R. M., Abtahi, D., Abu Rumeileh, S., Abu-Rmeileh, N. M. E., Aburuz, S., Abu-Zaid, A., Acuna, J. M., Adair, T., Addo, I. Y., Adebayo, O. M., Adegboye, O. A., Adekanmbi, V., Aden, B., Adepoju, A. V., Adetunji, C. O., Adeyeoluwa, T. E., Adeyomoye, O. I., Adha, R., Adibi, A., Adikusuma, W., Adnani, Q. E. S., Adra, S., Afework, A., Afolabi, A. A., Afraz, A., Afyouni, S., Afzal, S., Agasthi, P., Aghamiri, S., Agodi, A., Agyemang-Duah, W., Ahinkorah, B. O., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, D., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, M. M., Ahmad, T., Ahmadi, K., Ahmadzade, A. 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J., Alwafi, H., Al-Worafi, Y. M., Aly, H., Alzoubi, K. H., Amare, A. T., Ameyaw, E. K., Amhare, A. F., Amin, T. T., Amindarolzarbi, A., Aminian Dehkordi, J., Amiri, S., Amu, H., Amugsi, D. A., Amzat, J., Ancuceanu, R., Anderlini, D., Andrade, P. P., Andrei, C. L., Andrei, T., Angappan, D., Anil, A., Anjum, A., Antony, C. M., Antriyandarti, E., Anuoluwa, I. A., Anwar, S. L., Anyasodor, A. E., Appiah, S. C. Y., Aqeel, M., Arabloo, J., Arabzadeh Bahri, R., Arab-Zozani, M., Arafat, M., Araújo, A. M., Aravkin, A. Y., Aremu, A., Ariffin, H., Aripov, T., Armocida, B., Arooj, M., Artamonov, A. A., Artanti, K. D., Arulappan, J., Aruleba, I. T., Aruleba, R. T., Arumugam, A., Asaad, M., Asgary, S., Ashemo, M. Y., Ashraf, M., Asika, M. O., Athari, S. S., Atout, M. M. W., Atreya, A., Attia, S., Aujayeb, A., Avan, A., Awotidebe, A. W., Ayala Quintanilla, B. P., Ayanore, M. A., Ayele, G. M., Ayuso-Mateos, J. L., Ayyoubzadeh, S. M., Azadnajafabad, S., Azhar, G. S., Aziz, S., Azzam, A. Y., Babashahi, M., Babu, A. S., Badar, M., Badawi, A., Badiye, A. D., Baghdadi, S., Bagheri, N., Bagherieh, S., Bah, S., Bahadorikhalili, S., Bai, J., Bai, R., Baker, J. L., Bakkannavar, S. M., Bako, A. T., Balakrishnan, S., Balogun, S. A., Baltatu, O. C., Bam, K., Banach, M., Bandyopadhyay, S., Banik, B., Banik, P. C., Bansal, H., Barati, S., Barchitta, M., Bardhan, M., Barker-Collo, S. L., Barone-Adesi, F., Barqawi, H. J., Barr, R. D., Barrero, L. H., Basharat, Z., Bashir, A. I. J., Bashiru, H. A., Baskaran, P., Basnyat, B., Bassat, Q., Basso, J. D., Basu, S., Batra, K., Batra, R., Baune, B. T., Bayati, M., Bayileyegn, N. S., Beaney, T., Bedi, N., Begum, T., Behboudi, E., Behnoush, A. H., Beiranvand, M., Bejarano Ramirez, D. F., Belgaumi, U. I., Bell, M. L., Bello, A. K., Bello, M. B., Bello, O. O., Belo, L., Beloukas, A., Bendak, S., Bennett, D. A., Bensenor, I. M., Benzian, H., Berezvai, Z., Berman, A. E., Bermudez, A. N. C., Bettencourt, P. J. G., Beyene, H. B., Beyene, K. A., Bhagat, D. S., Bhagavathula, A. S., Bhala, N., Bhalla, A., Bhandari, D., Bhardwaj, N., Bhardwaj, P., Bhardwaj, P. V., Bhargava, A., Bhaskar, S., Bhat, V., Bhatti, G. K., Bhatti, J. S., Bhatti, M. S., Bhatti, R., Bhutta, Z. A., Bikbov, B., Binmadi, N., Bintoro, B. S., Biondi, A., Bisignano, C., Bisulli, F., Biswas, A., Biswas, R. K., Bitaraf, S., Bjørge, T., Bleyer, A., Boampong, M. S., Bodolica, V., Bodunrin, A. O., Bolarinwa, O. A., Bonakdar Hashemi, M., Bonny, A., Bora, K., Bora Basara, B., Borodo, S. B., Borschmann, R., Botero Carvajal, A., Bouaoud, S., Boudalia, S., Boyko, E. J., Bragazzi, N. L., Braithwaite, D., Brenner, H., Britton, G., Browne, A. J., Brunoni, A. R., Bulamu, N. B., Bulto, L. N., Buonsenso, D., Burkart, K., Burns, R. A., Burugina Nagaraja, S., Busse, R., Bustanji, Y., Butt, Z. A., Caetano dos Santos, F. L., Cai, T., Calina, D., Cámera, L. A., Campos, L. A., Campos-Nonato, I. R., Cao, C., Cardenas, C. A., Cárdenas, R., Carr, S., Carreras, G., Carrero, J. J., Carugno, A., Carvalho, F., Carvalho, M., Castaldelli-Maia, J. M., Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., Castelpietra, G., Catalá-López, F., Catapano, A. L., Cattaruzza, M. S., Caye, A., Cederroth, C. R., Cembranel, F., Cenderadewi, M., Cercy, K. M., Cerin, E., Cevik, M., Chacón-Uscamaita, P. R. U., Chahine, Y., Chakraborty, C., Chan, J. S. K., Chang, C-K., Charalampous, P., Charan, J., Chattu, V. K., Chatzimavridou-Grigoriadou, V., Chavula, M. P., Cheema, H. A., Chen, A-T., Chen, H., Chen, L., Chen, M. X., Chen, S., Cherbuin, N., Chew, D. S., Chi, G., Chirinos-Caceres, J. L., Chitheer, A., Cho, S. M. J., Cho, W. C. S., Chong, B., Chopra, H., Choudhary, R., Chowdhury, R., Chu, D-T., Chukwu, I. S., Chung, E., Chung, E., Chung, S-C., Cini, K. I., Clark, C. C. T., Coberly, K., Columbus, A., Comfort, H., Conde, J., Conti, S., Cortesi, P. A., Costa, V. M., Cousin, E., Cowden, R. G., Criqui, M. H., Cruz-Martins, N., Culbreth, G. T., Cullen, P., Cunningham, M., da Silva e Silva, D., Dadana, S., Dadras, O., Dai, Z., Dalal, K., Dalli, L. L., Damiani, G., D'Amico, E., Daneshvar, S., Darwesh, A. M., Das, J. K., Das, S., Dash, N. R., Dashti, M., Dávila-Cervantes, C. A., Davis Weaver, N., Davletov, K., De Leo, D., Debele, A. T., Degenhardt, L., Dehbandi, R., Deitesfeld, L., Delgado-Enciso, I., Delgado-Ortiz, L., Demant, D., Demessa, B. H., Demetriades, A. K., Deng, X., Denova-Gutiérrez, E., Deribe, K., Dervenis, N., Des Jarlais, D. C., Desai, H. D., Desai, R., Deuba, K., Devanbu, V. G. C., Dey, S., Dhali, A., Dhama, K., Dhimal, M. L., Dhimal, M., Dhingra, S., Dias da Silva, D., Diaz, D., Dima, A., Ding, D. D., Dirac, M. A., Dixit, A., Dixit, S. G., Do, T. C., Do, T. H. P., do Prado, C. B., Dodangeh, M., Dokova, K. G., Dolecek, C., Dorsey, E. R., dos Santos, W. M., Doshi, R., Doshmangir, L., Douiri, A., Dowou, R. K., Driscoll, T. R., Dsouza, H. L., Dube, J., Dumith, S. C., Dunachie, S. J., Duncan, B. B., Duraes, A. R., Duraisamy, S., Durojaiye, O. C., Dutta, S., Dzianach, P. A., Dziedzic, A. M., Ebenezer, O., Eboreime, E., Ebrahimi, A., Echieh, C. P., Ed-Dra, A., Edinur, H. A., Edvardsson, D., Edvardsson, K., Efendi, D., Efendi, F., Eghdami, S., Eikemo, T. A., Eini, E., Ekholuenetale, M., Ekpor, E., Ekundayo, T. C., El Arab, R. A., El Morsi, D. A. W., El Sayed Zaki, M., El Tantawi, M., Elbarazi, I., Elemam, N. M., Elgar, F. J., Elgendy, I. Y., ElGohary, G. M. T., Elhabashy, H. R., Elhadi, M., Elmeligy, O. A. A., Elshaer, M., Elsohaby, I., Emami Zeydi, A., Emamverdi, M., Emeto, T. I., Engelbert Bain, L., Erkhembayar, R., Eshetie, T. C., Eskandarieh, S., Espinosa-Montero, J., Estep, K., Etaee, F., Eze, U. A., Fabin, N., Fadaka, A. O., Fagbamigbe, A. F., Fahimi, S., Falzone, L., Farinha, C. S. E. S., Faris, M. E. M., Farjoud Kouhanjani, M., Faro, A., Farrokhpour, H., Fatehizadeh, A., Fattahi, H., Fauk, N. K., Fazeli, P., Feigin, V. L., Fekadu, G., Fereshtehnejad, S-M., Feroze, A. H., Ferrante, D., Ferrara, P., Ferreira, N., Fetensa, G., Filip, I., Fischer, F., Flavel, J., Flaxman, A. D., Flor, L. S., Florin, B. T., Folayan, M. O., Foley, K. M., Fomenkov, A. A., Force, L. M., Fornari, C., Foroutan, B., Foschi, M., Francis, K. L., Franklin, R. C., Freitas, A., Friedman, J., Friedman, S. D., Fukumoto, T., Fuller, J. E., Gaal, P. A., Gadanya, M. A., Gaihre, S., Gaipov, A., Gakidou, E., Galali, Y., Galehdar, N., Gallus, S., Gan, Q., Gandhi, A. P., Ganesan, B., Garg, J., Gau, S-Y., Gautam, P., Gautam, R. K., Gazzelloni, F., Gebregergis, M. W., Gebrehiwot, M., Gebremariam, T. B., Gerema, U., Getachew, M. E., Getachew, T., Gething, P. W., Ghafourifard, M., Ghahramani, S., Ghailan, K. Y., Ghajar, A., Ghanbarnia, M. J., Ghasemi, M., Ghasemzadeh, A., Ghassemi, F., Ghazy, R. M., Ghimire, S., Gholamian, A., Gholamrezanezhad, A., Ghorbani Vajargah, P., Ghozali, G., Ghozy, S., Ghuge, A. D., Gialluisi, A., Gibson, R. M., Gil, A. U., Gill, P. S., Gill, T. K., Gillum, R. F., Ginindza, T. G., Girmay, A., Glasbey, J. C., Gnedovskaya, E. V., Göbölös, L., Goel, A., Goldust, M., Golechha, M., Goleij, P., Golestanfar, A., Golinelli, D., Gona, P. N., Goudarzi, H., Goudarzian, A. H., Goyal, A., Greenhalgh, S., Grivna, M., Guarducci, G., Gubari, M. I. M., Gudeta, M. D., Guha, A., Guicciardi, S., Gunawardane, D. A., Gunturu, S., Guo, C., Gupta, A. K., Gupta, B., Gupta, I. R., Gupta, R. D., Gupta, S., Gupta, V. B., Gupta, V. K., Gupta, V. K., Gutiérrez, R. A., Habibzadeh, F., Habibzadeh, P., Hachinski, V., Haddadi, M., Haddadi, R., Haep, N., Hajj Ali, A., Halboub, E. S., Halim, S. A., Hall, B. J., Haller, S., Halwani, R., Hamadeh, R. R., Hamagharib Abdullah, K., Hamidi, S., Hamiduzzaman, M., Hammoud, A., Hanifi, N., Hankey, G. J., Hannan, M. A., Haque, M. N., Harapan, H., Haro, J. M., Hasaballah, A. I., Hasan, F., Hasan, I., Hasan, M. T., Hasani, H., Hasanian, M., Hasanpour- Dehkordi, A., Hassan, A. M., Hassan, A., Hassanian-Moghaddam, H., Hassanipour, S., Haubold, J., Havmoeller, R. J., Hay, S. I., Hbid, Y., Hebert, J. J., Hegazi, O. E., Heidari, G., Heidari, M., Heidari-Foroozan, M., Heidari-Soureshjani, R., Helfer, B., Herteliu, C., Hesami, H., Hettiarachchi, D., Heyi, D. Z., Hezam, K., Hiraike, Y., Hoffman, H. J., Holla, R., Horita, N., Hossain, M. B., Hossain, M. M., Hossain, S., Hosseini, M-S., Hosseinzadeh, H., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hostiuc, M., Hostiuc, S., Hsairi, M., Hsieh, V. C-R., Hu, C., Huang, J., Huda, M. N., Hugo, F. N., Hultström, M., Hussain, J., Hussain, S., Hussein, N. R., Huy, L. D., Huynh, H-H., Hwang, B-F., Ibitoye, S. E., Idowu, O. O., Ijo, D., Ikuta, K. S., Ilaghi, M., Ilesanmi, O. S., Ilic, I. M., Ilic, M. D., Immurana, M., Inbaraj, L. R., Iradukunda, A., Iravanpour, F., Iregbu, K. C., Islam, M. R., Islam, M. M., Islam, S. M. S., Islami, F., Ismail, N. E., Isola, G., Iwagami, M., Iwu, C. C. D., Iwu-Jaja, C. J., Iyer, M., J, L. M., Jaafari, J., Jacob, L., Jacobsen, K. H., Jadidi-Niaragh, F., Jafarinia, M., Jaggi, K., Jahankhani, K., Jahanmehr, N., Jahrami, H., Jain, A., Jain, N., Jairoun, A. A., Jakovljevic, M., Jalilzadeh Yengejeh, R., Jamshidi, E., Jani, C. T., Janko, M. M., Jatau, A. I., Jayapal, S. K., Jayaram, S., Jeganathan, J., Jema, A. T., Jemere, D. M., Jeong, W., Jha, A. K., Jha, R. P., Ji, J. S., Jiang, H., Jin, Y., Jin, Y., Johnson, O., Jomehzadeh, N., Jones, D. P., Joo, T., Joseph, A., Joseph, N., Joshua, C. E., Jozwiak, J. J., Jürisson, M., Kaambwa, B., Kabir, A., Kabir, H., Kabir, Z., Kadashetti, V., Kahe, F., Kakodkar, P. V., Kalani, R., Kalankesh, L. R., Kaliyadan, F., Kalra, S., Kamath, A., Kamireddy, A., Kanagasabai, T., Kandel, H., Kanmiki, E. W., Kanmodi, K. K., Kantar, R. S., Kapoor, N., Karajizadeh, M., Karami Matin, B., Karanth, S. D., Karaye, I. M., Karim, A., Karimi, H., Karimi, S. E., Karimi Behnagh, A., Karkhah, S., Karna, A. K., Kashoo, F. Z., Kasraei, H., Kassaw, N. A., Kassebaum, N. J., Kassel, M. B., Katamreddy, A., Katikireddi, S. V., Katoto, P. D. M. C., Kauppila, J. H., Kaur, N., Kaydi, N., Kayibanda, J. F., Kayode, G. A., Kazemi, F., Kazemian, S., Kazeminia, S., Keikavoosi-Arani, L., Keller, C., Kempen, J. H., Kerr, J. A., Kesse-Guyot, E., Keykhaei, M., Khadembashiri, M. M., Khadembashiri, M. A., Khafaie, M. A., Khajuria, H., Khalafi, M., Khalaji, A., Khalid, N., Khalil, I. A., Khamesipour, F., Khan, A., Khan, G., Khan, I., Khan, I. A., Khan, M., Khan, M. A. B., Khan, T., Khan suheb, M. Z., Khanmohammadi, S., Khatab, K., Khatami, F., Khavandegar, A., Khayat Kashani, H. R., Kheirallah, K. A., Khidri, F. F., Khodadoust, E., Khormali, M., Khosrowjerdi, M., Khubchandani, J., Khusun, H., Kifle, Z. D., Kim, G., Kim, J., Kimokoti, R. W., Kinzel, K. E., Kiross, G. T., Kisa, A., Kisa, S., Kiss, J. B., Kivimäki, M., Klu, D., Knudsen, A. K. S., Kolahi, A-A., Kompani, F., Koren, G., Kosen, S., Kostev, K., Kotnis, A. L., Koul, P. A., Koulmane Laxminarayana, S. L., Koyanagi, A., Kravchenko, M. A., Krishan, K., Krishna, H., Krishnamoorthy, V., Krishnamoorthy, Y., Krohn, K. J., Kuate Defo, B., Kubeisy, C. M., Kucuk Bicer, B., Kuddus, M. A., Kuddus, M., Kuitunen, I., Kujan, O., Kulimbet, M., Kulkarni, V., Kumar, A., Kumar, H., Kumar, N., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Kumari, M., Kurmanova, A., Kurmi, O. P., Kusnali, A., Kusuma, D. ORCID: 0000-0002-1909-9341, Kutluk, T., Kuttikkattu, A., Kyei, E. F., Kyriopoulos, I., La Vecchia, C., Ladan, M. A., Laflamme, L., Lahariya, C., Lahmar, A., Lai, D. T. C., Laksono, T., Lal, D. K., Lalloo, R., Lallukka, T., Lám, J., Lamnisos, D., Lan, T., Lanfranchi, F., Langguth, B., Lansingh, V. C., Laplante-Lévesque, A., Larijani, B., Larsson, A. O., Lasrado, S., Latief, K., Latif, M., Latifinaibin, K., Lauriola, P., Le, L. K. D., Le, N. H. H., Le, T. T. T., Le, T. D. T., Lee, M., Lee, P. H., Lee, S-W., Lee, S. W., Lee, W-C., Lee, Y. H., Legesse, S. M., Leigh, J., Lenzi, J., Leong, E., Lerango, T. L., Li, M-C., Li, W., Li, X., Li, Y., Li, Z., Libra, M., Ligade, V. S., Likaka, A. T. M., Lim, L-L., Lin, R-T., Lin, S., Lioutas, V-A., Listl, S., Liu, J., Liu, S., Liu, X., Livingstone, K. M., Llanaj, E., Lo, C-H., Loreche, A. M., Lorenzovici, L., Lotfi, M., Lotfizadeh, M., Lozano, R., Lubinda, J., Lucchetti, G., Lugo, A., Lunevicius, R., Ma, J., Ma, S., Ma, Z. F., Mabrok, M., Machairas, N., Machoy, M., Madsen, C., Magaña Gómez, J. A., Maghazachi, A. A., Maharaj, S. B., Maharjan, P., Mahjoub, S., Mahmoud, M. A., Mahmoudi, E., Mahmoudi, M., Makram, O. M., Malagón-Rojas, J. N., Malakan Rad, E., Malekzadeh, R., Malhotra, A. K., Malhotra, K., Malik, A. A., Malik, I., Malinga, L. A., Malta, D. C., Mamun, A. A., Manla, Y., Mannan, F., Mansoori, Y., Mansour, A., Mansouri, V., Mansournia, M. A., Mantovani, L. G., Marasini, B. P., Marateb, H. R., Maravilla, J. C., Marconi, A. M., Mardi, P., Marino, M., Marjani, A., Marrugo Arnedo, C. A., Martinez-Guerra, B. A., Martinez-Piedra, R., Martins, C. A., Martins-Melo, F. R., Martorell, M., Marx, W., Maryam, S., Marzo, R. R., Mate, K. K. V., Matei, C. N., Mathioudakis, A. G., Maude, R. J., Maugeri, A., May, E. A., Mayeli, M., Mazaheri, M., Mazidi, M., Mazzotti, A., McAlinden, C., McGrath, J. J., McKee, M., McKowen, A. L. W., McLaughlin, S. A., McPhail, M. A., McPhail, S. M., Mechili, E. A., Mediratta, R. P., Meena, J. K., Mehari, M., Mehlman, M. L., Mehra, R., Mehrabani-Zeinabad, K., Mehrabi Nasab, E., Mehrotra, R., Mekonnen, M. M., Mendoza, W., Menezes, R. G., Mengesha, E. W., Mensah, G. A., Mensah, L. G., Mentis, A-F. A., Meo, S. A., Meretoja, A., Meretoja, T. J., Mersha, A. M., Mesfin, B. A., Mestrovic, T., Mhlanga, A., Mhlanga, L., Mi, T., Micha, G., Michalek, I. M., Miller, T. R., Mindlin, S. N., Minelli, G., Minh, L. H. N., Mini, G. K., Minja, N. W., Mirdamadi, N., Mirghafourvand, M., Mirica, A., Mirinezhad, S. K., Mirmosayyeb, O., Mirutse, M. K., Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari, M., Mirzaei, M., Misgana, T., Misra, S., Mitchell, P. B., Mithra, P., Mittal, C., Mittal, M., Moazen, B., Mohamed, A. I., Mohamed, J., Mohamed, M. F. H., Mohamed, N. S., Mohammad-Alizadeh-Charandabi, S., Mohammadi, S., Mohammadian-Hafshejani, A., Mohammad-pour, S., Mohammadshahi, M., Mohammed, M., Mohammed, S., Mohammed, S., Mojiri-forushani, H., Mokdad, A. H., Mokhtarzadehazar, P., Momenzadeh, K., Momtazmanesh, S., Monasta, L., Moni, M. A., Montazeri, F., Moodi Ghalibaf, A., Moradi, M., Moradi, Y., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Moradinazar, M., Moradpour, F., Moraga, P., Morawska, L., Moreira, R. S., Morovatdar, N., Morrison, S. D., Morze, J., Mosaddeghi Heris, R., Mosser, J. F., Mossialos, E., Mostafavi, H., Mostofinejad, A., Mougin, V., Mouodi, S., Mousavi, P., Mousavi, S. E., Mousavi Khaneghah, A., Mpundu-Kaambwa, C., Mrejen, M., Mubarik, S., Muccioli, L., Mueller, U. O., Mughal, F., Mukherjee, S., Mukoro, G. D., Mulita, A., Mulita, F., Muniyandi, M., Munjal, K., Musaigwa, F., Musallam, K. M., Mustafa, G., Muthu, S., Muthupandian, S., Myung, W., Nabhan, A. F., Nafukho, F. M., Nagarajan, A. J., Naghavi, M., Naghavi, P., Naik, G. R., Naik, G., Naimzada, M. D., Nair, S., Nair, T. S., Najmuldeen, H. H. R., Naldi, L., Nangia, V., Nargus, S., Nascimento, B. R., Nascimento, G. G., Naser, A. Y., Nasiri, M. J., Natto, Z. S., Nauman, J., Naveed, M., Nayak, B. P., Nayak, V. C., Nayyar, A. K., Nazri-Panjaki, A., Negash, H., Negero, A. K., Negoi, I., Negoi, R. I., Negru, S. M., Nejadghaderi, S. A., Nejjari, C., Nematollahi, M. H., Nena, E., Nepal, S., Nesbit, O. D., Newton, C. R. J., Ngunjiri, J. W., Nguyen, D. H., Nguyen, P. T., Nguyen, P. T., Nguyen, T. T., Nguyen, V. T., Nigatu, Y. T., Nikolouzakis, T. K., Nikoobar, A., Nikpoor, A. R., Nizam, M. A., Nomura, S., Noreen, M., Noroozi, N., Norouzian Baghani, A., Norrving, B., Noubiap, J. J., Novotney, A., Nri-Ezedi, C. A., Ntaios, G., Ntsekhe, M., Nuñez-Samudio, V., Nurrika, D., Oancea, B., Obamiro, K. O., Odetokun, I. A., Ofakunrin, A. O. D., Ogunsakin, R. E., Oguta, J. O., Oh, I-H., Okati-Aliabad, H., Okeke, S. R., Okekunle, A. P., Okidi, L., Okonji, O. C., Okwute, P. G., Olagunju, A. T., Olaiya, M. T., Olanipekun, T. O., Olatubi, M. I., Olivas-Martinez, A., Oliveira, G. M. M., Oliver, S., Olorukooba, A. A., Olufadewa, I. I., Olusanya, B. O., Olusanya, J. O., Oluwafemi, Y. D., Oluwatunase, G. O., Omar, H. A., Omer, G. L., Ong, S., Onwujekwe, O. E., Onyedibe, K. I., Opio, J. N., Ordak, M., Orellana, E. R., Orisakwe, O. E., Orish, V. N., Orru, H., Ortega-Altamirano, D. V., Ortiz, A., Ortiz-Brizuela, E., Ortiz-Prado, E., Osuagwu, U. L., Otoiu, A., Otstavnov, N., Ouyahia, A., Ouyang, G., Owolabi, M. O., Oyeyemi, I. T., Oyeyemi, O. T., Ozten, Y., P A, M. P., Padubidri, J. R., Pahlavikhah Varnosfaderani, M., Pal, P. K., Palicz, T., Palladino, C., Palladino, R., Palma-Alvarez, R. F., Pana, A., Panahi, P., Pandey, A., Pandi-Perumal, S. R., Pando-Robles, V., Pangaribuan, H. U., Panos, G. D., Pantazopoulos, I., Papadopoulou, P., Pardhan, S., Parikh, R. R., Park, S., Parthasarathi, A., Pashaei, A., Pasupula, D. K., Patel, J. R., Patel, S. K., Pathan, A. R., Patil, A., Patil, S., Patoulias, D., Patthipati, V. S., Paudel, U., Pawar, S., Pazoki Toroudi, H., Pease, S. A., Peden, A. E., Pedersini, P., Peng, M., Pensato, U., Pepito, V. C. F., Peprah, E. K., Pereira, G., Pereira, J., Pereira, M., Peres, M. F. P., Perianayagam, A., Perico, N., Petcu, I-R., Petermann-Rocha, F. E., Pezzani, R., Pham, H. T., Phillips, M. R., Pierannunzio, D., Pigeolet, M., Pigott, D. M., Pilgrim, T., Pinheiro, M., Piradov, M. A., Plakkal, N., Plotnikov, E., Poddighe, D., Pollner, P., Poluru, R., Pond, C. D., Postma, M. J., Poudel, G. R., Poudel, L., Pourali, G., Pourtaheri, N., Prada, S. I., Pradhan, P. M. S., Prajapati, V. K., Prakash, V., Prasad, C. P., Prasad, M., Prashant, A., Prates, E. J. S., Purnobasuki, H., Purohit, B. M., Puvvula, J., Qaisar, R., Qasim, N. H., Qattea, I., Qian, G., Quan, N. K., Radfar, A., Radhakrishnan, V., Raee, P., Raeisi Shahraki, H., Rafiei Alavi, S. N., Rafique, I., Raggi, A., Rahim, F., Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M., Rahman, M. A., Rahman, T., Rahmani, A. M., Rahmani, S., Rahnavard, N., Rai, P., Rajaa, S., Rajabpour-Sanati, A., Rajput, P., Ram, P., Ramadan, H., Ramasamy, S. K., Ramazanu, S., Rana, J., Rana, K., Ranabhat, C. L., Rancic, N., Rani, S., Ranjan, S., Rao, C. R., Rao, I. R., Rao, M., Rao, S. J., Rasali, D. P., Rasella, D., Rashedi, S., Rashedi, V., Rashid, A. M., Rasouli-Saravani, A., Rastogi, P., Rasul, A., Ravangard, R., Ravikumar, N., Rawaf, D. L., Rawaf, S., Rawassizadeh, R., Razeghian-Jahromi, I., Reddy, M. M. R. K., Redwan, E. M. M., Rehman, F. U., Reiner Jr, R. C., Remuzzi, G., Reshmi, B., Resnikoff, S., Reyes, L. F., Rezaee, M., Rezaei, N., Rezaei, N., Rezaeian, M., Riaz, M. A., Ribeiro, A. I., Ribeiro, D. C., Rickard, J., Rios-Blancas, M. J., Robinson-Oden, H. E., Rodrigues, M., Rodriguez, J. A. B., Roever, L., Rohilla, R., Rohloff, P., Romadlon, D. S., Ronfani, L., Roshandel, G., Roshanzamir, S., Rostamian, M., Roy, B., Roy, P., Rubagotti, E., Rumisha, S. F., Rwegerera, G. M., Rynkiewicz, A., S, M., S N, C., S Sunnerhagen, K., Saad, A. M. A., Sabbatucci, M., Saber, K., Saber-Ayad, M. M., Sacco, S., Saddik, B., Saddler, A., Sadee, B. A., Sadeghi, E., Sadeghi, M., Sadeghian, S., Saeed, U., Saeedi, M., Safi, S., Sagar, R., Saghazadeh, A., Saheb Sharif-Askari, N., Sahoo, S. S., Sahraian, M. A., Sajedi, S. A., Sajid, M. R., Sakshaug, J. W., Salahi, S., Salahi, S., Salamati, P., Salami, A. A., Salaroli, L. B., Saleh, M. A., Salehi, S., Salem, M. R., Salem, M. Z. Y., Salimi, S., Samadi Kafil, H., Samadzadeh, S., Samara, K. A., Samargandy, S., Samodra, Y. L., Samuel, V. P., Samy, A. M., Sanabria, J., Sanadgol, N., Sanganyado, E., Sanjeev, R. K., Sanmarchi, F., Sanna, F., Santri, I. N., Santric-Milicevic, M. M., Sarasmita, M. A., Saravanan, A., Saravi, B., Sarikhani, Y., Sarkar, C., Sarmiento-Suárez, R., Sarode, G. S., Sarode, S. C., Sarveazad, A., Sathian, B., Sathish, T., Sattin, D., Saulam, J., Sawyer, S. M., Saxena, S., Saya, G. K., Sayadi, Y., Sayeed, A., Sayeed, M. A., Saylan, M., Scarmeas, N., Schaarschmidt, B. M., Schlee, W., Schmidt, M. I., Schuermans, A., Schwebel, D. C., Schwendicke, F., Šekerija, M., Selvaraj, S., Semreen, M. H., Senapati, S., Sengupta, P., Senthilkumaran, S., Sepanlou, S. G., Serban, D., Sertsu, A., Sethi, Y., SeyedAlinaghi, S., Seyedi, S. A., Shafaat, A., Shafaat, O., Shafie, M., Shafiee, A., Shah, N. S., Shah, P. A., Shahabi, S., Shahbandi, A., Shahid, I., Shahid, S., Shahid, W., Shahwan, M. J., Shaikh, M. A., Shakeri, A., Shakil, H., Sham, S., Shamim, M. A., Shams-Beyranvand, M., Shamshad, H., Shamshirgaran, M. A., Shamsi, M. 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Court, A., Selim, O., Pamment, K. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2023). Design and implementation of spanwise lift and gust control via arrays of bio-inspired individually actuated pneumatic flaplets. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 33(4), pp. 1528-1543. doi: 10.1108/hff-01-2023-0046
Kerr, J. (2023). How do men who meditate construct their gender identity in talk?. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Midmer, A. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2022). Nature-inspired self-adaptive wingtip for vortex mitigation. In: The Aeronautical Journal. RAeS Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2022, 13-15 Sep 2022, London, UK.
Nicholas, S., Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 & Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 (2022). Numerical Investigation of Regime Transition in Canopy Flows. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 109(4), pp. 1133-1153. doi: 10.1007/s10494-022-00363-5
Monti, A., Nicholas, S., Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 , Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 & Rosti, M. E. (2022). On the solidity parameter in canopy flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 945, article number A17. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2022.551
Glick, R. ORCID: 0000-0001-7789-9358, Muthuramalingam, M. & Brücker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2022). Sea lions could use multilateration localization for object tracking as tested with bio-inspired whisker arrays. Scientific Reports, 12(1), article number 11764. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-15904-1
Selim, O. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2022). Detecting separation pre-cursors using on-board optical tracking of flexible pillar sensors. Paper presented at the 20th International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 11-14 Jul 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
Kim, J-H., Choi, K-S., Lacagnina, G. , Chaitanya, P., Joseph, P., Hasheminejad, S. M., Chong, T. P., Shahab, M. F., Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 & Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 (2022). Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Optimization of Leading-Edge Undulation of a NACA 65(12)-10 Airfoil. AIAA JOURNAL, 60(4), pp. 2342-2353. doi: 10.2514/1.j060716
Zhang, Z., Li, Q. ORCID: 0000-0001-7456-7868, Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 & Zhang, Q. ORCID: 0000-0003-0982-2986 (2022). Enhanced Thermal Performance with High-Amplitude Intermittent Impingement Cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 185, article number 122359. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.122359
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Selim, O., Gowree, E., Lagemann, C. , Talboys, E. ORCID: 0000-0001-8993-0180, Jagadeesh, C. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2021). The Peregrine Falcon's Dive: On the Pull-Out Maneuver and Flight Control Through Wing-Morphing. AIAA Journal: devoted to aerospace research and development, 59(10), pp. 3979-3987. doi: 10.2514/1.j060052
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Lacagnina, G., Chaitanya, P., Kim, J. H. , Berk, T., Joseph, P., Choi, K. S., Ganapathisubramani, B., Hasheminejad, S. M., Chong, T. P., Stalnov, O., Shahab, M. F., Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 & Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 (2021). Leading edge serrations for the reduction of aerofoil self-noise at low angle of attack, pre-stall and post-stall conditions. International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 20(1-2), pp. 130-156. doi: 10.1177/1475472x20978379
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Glick, R., Muthuramalingam, M. & Brücker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2021). Fluid-Structure Interaction of Flexible Whisker-Type Beams and Its Implication for Flow Sensing by Pair-Wise Correlation. Fluid Structure Interaction: Methods and Applications, 6(3), article number 102. doi: 10.3390/fluids6030102
Li, Q. ORCID: 0000-0001-7456-7868, Stavropoulos-Vasilakis, E., Koukouvinis, P. , Gavaises, M. ORCID: 0000-0003-0874-8534 & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2021). Micro-pillar sensor based wall-shear mapping in pulsating flows: In-Situ calibration and measurements in an aortic heart-valve tester. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 105, article number 103346. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2021.103346
Talboys, E. ORCID: 0000-0001-8993-0180, Geyer, T. F., Pruefer, F. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2021). A parametric study of the effect of self-oscillating trailing-edge flaplets on aerofoil self-noise. Applied Acoustics, 177, article number 107907. doi: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107907
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Muthuramalingam, M., Talboys, E. ORCID: 0000-0001-8993-0180, Wagner, H. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2020). Flow turning effect and laminar control by the 3D curvature of leading edge serrations from owl wing. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 16(2), article number 026010. doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/abc6b4
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Muthuramalingam, M., Puckert, D. K., Rist, U. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2020). Transition Delay Using Biomimetic Fish Scale Arrays. Scientific Reports, 10(1), pp. 1-13. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71434-8
Li, Q. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2020). Sediment erosion in flexible canopies by vortex impact. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 97, article number 103058. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2020.103058
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Elshalakani, M. & Brücker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2020). Simulation of self-coordination in a row of beating flexible flaplets for micro-swimmer applications: Model and experiment study. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 94, article number 102923. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2020.102923
Suardi, C., Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 & Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 (2020). The Effect of the Sweep Angle to the Turbulent Flow Past an Infinite Wing. In: García-Villalba, M., Kuerten, H. & Salvetti, M. (Eds.), Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XII. DLES 2019. (ERCOFTAC Series). (pp. 321-327). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-42822-8_42
Veerasamy, D. & Atkin, C.J. ORCID: 0000-0003-2529-1978 (2020). A rational method for determining intermittency in the transitional boundary layer. Experiments in Fluids, 61(1), article number 11. doi: 10.1007/s00348-019-2856-5
Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 & Li, Q. (2020). Possible Early Generation of Physiological Helical Flow Could Benefit the Triflo Trileaflet Heart Valve Prosthesis Compared to Bileaflet Valves. Bioengineering, 7(4), article number 158. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering7040158
Elshalakani, M., Muthuramalingam, M. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2020). A Deep-Learning Model for Underwater Position Sensing of a Wake's Source Using Artificial Seal Whiskers. Sensors, 20(12), article number 3522. doi: 10.3390/s20123522
Sun, S., Singh, G., Kovacevic, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-8732-2242 & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2020). Experimental and numerical investigation of tip leakage flows in a roots blower. Designs, 4(1), article number 3. doi: 10.3390/designs4010003
du Puits, R. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2020). Fluctuations of the wall shear stress vector in a large-scale natural convection cell. AIP Advances, 10(7), article number 75105. doi: 10.1063/5.0006610
Karathanassis, I. K. ORCID: 0000-0001-9025-2866, Pashkovski, E., Heidari-Koochi, M. , Jadidbonab, H. ORCID: 0000-0002-5481-9789, Smith, T., Gavaises, M. ORCID: 0000-0003-0874-8534 & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2019). Non-Newtonian flow of highly-viscous oils in hydraulic components. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 275, article number 104221. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2019.104221
Singh, G. ORCID: 0000-0001-7456-7868, Sun, S., Kovacevic, A. , Li, Q. & Bruecker, C. (2019). Transient flow analysis in a Roots blower: Experimental and numerical investigations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 134, article number 106305. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.106305
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Kim, J. H., Choi, K. S., Lacagnina, G. , Joseph, P., Hasheminejad, S. M., Chong, T. P., Shahab, M. F., Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 & Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 (2019). Optimization of leading-edge undulation of a NACA 65(12)-10 aerofoil for noise reduction and aerodynamic enhancement. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics : integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019 : 9-13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany. (pp. 5351-5358). Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik. doi: 10.18154/RWTH-CONV-239781
Talboys, E. ORCID: 0000-0001-8993-0180, Geyer, T. F. & Brücker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2019). Influence of self-oscillating trailing edge flaplets on turbulent boundary layer - Trailing edge noise. In: Ochmann, M., Vorländer, M. & Fels, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics : integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019 : 9-13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany. (pp. 588-595). Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik. doi: 10.18154/RWTH-CONV-239824
Muthuramalingam, M. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2019). Seal and Sea lion Whiskers Detect Slips of Vortices Similar as Rats Sense Textures. Scientific Reports, 9(1), pp. 1-15. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49243-5
Casari, N., Fadiga, E., Pinelli, M. , Suman, A., Kovacevic, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-8732-2242, Rane, S. & Ziviani, D. (2019). Numerical investigation of oil injection in a Roots blower operated as expander. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 604(1), article number 12075. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/604/1/012075
Muthuramalingam, M., Villemin, L. S. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2019). Streak formation in flow over biomimetic fish scale arrays. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 222(16), pp. 1-11. doi: 10.1242/jeb.205963
Pollard, C. M., Booth, S., Jancey, J. , Mackintosh, B., Pulker, C. E., Wright, J. L., Begley, A., Imtiaz, S., Silic, C., Mukhtar, S. A., Caraher, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0615-839X, Berg, J. & Kerr, D. A. (2019). Long-Term Food Insecurity, Hunger and Risky Food Acquisition Practices: A Cross-Sectional Study of Food Charity Recipients in an Australian Capital City. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(15), article number 2749. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152749
Monti, A., Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 & Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 (2019). Large-eddy simulation of an open-channel flow bounded by a semi-dense rigid filamentous canopy: Scaling and flow structure. Physics of Fluids, 31(6), pp. 1-14. doi: 10.1063/1.5095770
Dirks, T. B. & Atkin, C.J. ORCID: 0000-0003-2529-1978 (2019). A consolidated method for predicting laminar boundary layers on rotating axi-symmetric bodies. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 75, pp. 271-278. doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2018.10.013
Li, Q. ORCID: 0000-0001-7456-7868 & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2019). Comparative study of wall shear stress at the ascending aorta for different mechanical heart valve prostheses. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 142(1), article number 011006. doi: 10.1115/1.4043357
Talboys, E ORCID: 0000-0001-8993-0180, Geyer, T. F. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2019). An aeroacoustic investigation into the effect of self-oscillating trailing edge flaplets. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91, article number 102598. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2019.02.014
Kerr, O. ORCID: 0000-0003-2946-0695 (2019). Double-diffusive instabilities at a horizontal boundary after the sudden onset of heating. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 859, pp. 126-159. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2018.821
Geyer, T. F., Kamps, L., Sarradj, E. & Brücker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2019). Vortex Shedding and Modal Behavior of a Circular Cylinder Equipped with Flexible Flaps. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 105(1), pp. 210-219. doi: 10.3813/aaa.919301
Gowree, E. R., Jagadeesh, C. & Atkin, C.J. (2019). Skin friction drag reduction over staggered three dimensional cavities. Aerospace Science and Technology, 84, pp. 520-529. doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.11.001
Lacagnina, G., Chaitanya, P., Berk, T. , Kim, J-H., Joseph, P., Ganapathisubramani, B., Hasheminejad, S. M., Chong, T. P., Stalnov, O., Choi, K-S., Shahab, M. F., Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 & Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 (2019). Mechanisms of airfoil noise near stall conditions. Physical Review Fluids, 4(12), article number 123902. doi: 10.1103/physrevfluids.4.123902
Daly, A., Pollard, C. M., Kerr, D. A. , Binns, C. W., Caraher, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0615-839X & Phillips, M. (2018). Using Cross-Sectional Data to Identify and Quantify the Relative Importance of Factors Associated with and Leading to Food Insecurity. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(12), article number 2620. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15122620
Casari, N., Pinelli, M., Suman, A. , Kovacevic, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-8732-2242, Rane, S. & Ziviani, D. (2018). Full 3D numerical analysis of a twin screw compressor by employing open-source software. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 425(1), article number 12017. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/425/1/012017
Sun, S. H., Kovacevic, A., Bruecker, C. , Leto, A., Singh, G. & Ghavami, M. (2018). Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Transient Flow in Roots Blower. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 425(1), article number 12024. doi: 10.1088/1757-899x/425/1/012024
Talboys, E. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2018). Upstream Shear Layer Stabilisation via Self-Oscillating Trailing Edge Flaplets. Experiments in Fluids, 59(10), article number 145. doi: 10.1007/s00348-018-2598-9
Miao, X., Zhang, Q. ORCID: 0000-0003-0982-2986, Atkin, C.J. ORCID: 0000-0003-2529-1978 , Sun, Z. & Li, Y. (2018). Improving Purge Air Cooling Effectiveness by Engineered End-Wall Surface Structures-Part I: Duct Flow. Journal Of Turbomachinery, 140(9), pp. 1-12. doi: 10.1115/1.4040853
Sun, Z. ORCID: 0000-0002-3862-7939, Li, Q. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2018). Short wavelength instability in the vortex ring during impingement onto a solid wall. Paper presented at the 19th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 16-19 Jul 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
Sun, S., Kovacevic, A. ORCID: 0000-0002-8732-2242, Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 , Ghavami, M., Rane, S., Singh, G. & Leto, A. (2018). Experimental Investigation of the Transient Flow in Roots Blower. In: Purdue e-Pubs. 24th International Compressor Engineering Conference, 9 - 12 July 2018, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA.
Schmitz, A., Ondreka, N., Poleschinski, J. , Fischer, D., Schmitz, H., Klein, A., Bleckmann, H. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2018). The peregrine falcon's rapid dive: on the adaptedness of the arm skeleton and shoulder girdle. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 204(8), pp. 747-759. doi: 10.1007/s00359-018-1276-y
Booth, S., Begley, A., Mackintosh, B. , Kerr, D. A., Jancey, J., Caraher, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0615-839X, Whelan, J. & Pollard, C. M. (2018). Gratitude, resignation and the desire for dignity: lived experience of food charity recipients and their recommendations for improvement, Perth, Western Australia. Public Health Nutrition, 21(15), pp. 2831-2841. doi: 10.1017/s1368980018001428
Pollard, C. M., Mackintosh, B., Campbell, C. , Kerr, D., Begley, A., Jancey, J., Caraher, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0615-839X, Berg, J. & Booth, S. (2018). Charitable Food Systems' Capacity to Address Food Insecurity: An Australian Capital City Audit.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), article number 1249. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15061249
Mattheus, W. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2018). Characteristics of the pulsating jet flow through a dynamic glottal model with a lens-like constriction. Biomedical Engineering Letters, 8(3), pp. 309-320. doi: 10.1007/s13534-018-0075-2
Li, Q. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2018). Vortex interaction with a rough wall formed by a hexagonal lattice of posts. Physics of Fluids, 30(5), article number 054107. doi: 10.1063/1.5026463
Rosti, M. E., Brandt, L. & Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 (2018). Turbulent channel flow over an anisotropic porous wall - drag increase and reduction. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 842, pp. 381-394. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2018.152
Rosti, M. E., Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 & Pinelli, A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5564-9032 (2018). Numerical Simulation of a Passive Control of the Flow Around an Aerofoil Using a Flexible, Self Adaptive Flaplet. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 100(4), pp. 1111-1143. doi: 10.1007/s10494-018-9914-6
Gowree, E. R. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020, Jagadeesh, C., Talboys, E. ORCID: 0000-0001-8993-0180 , Lageman, C. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2018). Vortices enable the complex aerobatics of peregrine falcons. Communications Biology, 1(1), pp. 1-12. doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0029-3
Rosti, M. E., Omidyeganeh, M. & Pinelli, A. (2018). Passive control of the flow around unsteady aerofoils using a self-activated deployable flap. Journal of Turbulence, 19(3), pp. 204-228. doi: 10.1080/14685248.2017.1314486
Jagadeesh, C., Gowree, E. R., Jadidbonab, H. & Atkin, C. J. ORCID: 0000-0003-2529-1978 (2018). On the temporal analysis of acoustic waves using schlieren imaging. Measurement, 116, pp. 507-513. doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2017.11.018
Bottemanne, M. & Atkin, C.J. (2018). Tool for sizing suction pumps for hybrid laminar flow control concepts. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 7(1), pp. 1-8. doi: 10.18178/ijmerr.7.1.1-8
Nokhandan, M. M., Piomelli, U. & Omidyeganeh, M. ORCID: 0000-0002-4140-2810 (2018). Large-eddy and wall-modelled simulations of turbulent flow over two-dimensional river dunes. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 113, pp. 123-131. doi: 10.1016/j.pce.2018.11.004
Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020, Hess, D. & Watz, B. (2018). Volumetric Calibration Refinement using masked back projection and image correlation superposition. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. 19th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 16-19 Jul 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
Elshalakani, M. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2018). Spontaneous Synchronization of Beating Cilia: An Experimental Proof Using Vision-Based Control. Fluids, 3(2), article number 30. doi: 10.3390/fluids3020030
Miao, X., Zhang, Q. ORCID: 0000-0003-0982-2986, Atkin, C.J. ORCID: 0000-0003-2529-1978 , Sun, Z. & Li, Y. (2018). Improving Purge Air Cooling Effectiveness by Engineered End-Wall Surface Structures-Part II: Turbine Cascade. Journal Of Turbomachinery, 140(9), article number 091002. doi: 10.1115/1.4040854
Koukouvinis, P., Bruecker, C. & Gavaises, M. (2017). Unveiling the physical mechanism behind pistol shrimp cavitation. Scientific Reports, 7(1), pp. 1-12. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14312-0
Favier, J., Li, C., Kamps, L. , Revell, A., O Connor, J. & Brücker, C. (2017). The PELskin project—part I: fluid–structure interaction for a row of flexible flaps: a reference study in oscillating channel flow. Meccanica, 52(8), pp. 1767-1780. doi: 10.1007/s11012-016-0521-0
Sun, Z. ORCID: 0000-0002-3862-7939 & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2017). Vortex ring impingement measured by scanning PIV. Paper presented at the 12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, 18-22 Jun 2017, Busan, South Korea.
Vanderwel, C., Placidi, M. & Ganapathisubramani, B. (2017). Wind resource assessment in heterogeneous terrain. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 375(2091), article number 20160109. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0109
Ostmann, S., Chaves, H. & Bruecker, C. (2017). Path instabilities of light particles rising in a liquid with background rotation. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 70, pp. 403-416. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2017.02.007
Kamps, L., Geyer, T. F., Sarradj, E. & Brücker, C. (2017). Vortex shedding noise of a cylinder with hairy flaps. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 388, pp. 69-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2016.10.039
Pacholak, S. & Brücker, C. (2017). Size does matter: The use of fish motion for improving human swimming simulations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 46, pp. 339-353. doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2017.01.080
Bruecker, C. & Mikulich, V. (2017). Sensing of minute airflow motions near walls using pappus-type nature-inspired sensors. PLoS One, 12(6), article number e0179253. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179253
Brücker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020, Schnakenberg, U., Rockenbach, A. & Mikulich, V. (2017). Effect of Cilia Orientation in Metachronal Transport of Microparticles. World Journal of Mechanics, 07(01), pp. 1-10. doi: 10.4236/wjm.2017.71001
Buhl, S., Gleiss, F., Köhler, M. , Hartmann, F., Messig, D., Bruecker, C. & Hasse, C. (2017). A combined numerical and experimental study of the 3D tumble structure and piston boundary layer development during the intake stroke of a gasoline engine. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 98(2), pp. 579-600. doi: 10.1007/s10494-016-9754-1
Gowree, E. R. & Atkin, C. J. (2017). Measurement and modelling of the turbulent boundary layer near the attachment line of a swept wing. Aeronautical Journal, 121(1240), pp. 746-769. doi: 10.1017/aer.2017.30
Kerr, O. & Gumm, Z. (2017). Thermal instability in a time-dependent base state due to sudden heating. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 825, pp. 1002-1034. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.408
Panagopoulos, I., Atkin, C.J. & Sikora, I. (2017). Developing a performance indicators lean-sigma framework for measuring aviation system’s safety performance. Transportation Research Procedia, 22, pp. 35-44. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2017.03.005
Sun, Z. & Bruecker, C. (2017). Investigation of the Vortex Ring Transition using Scanning Tomo-PIV. Experiments in Fluids, 58(4), pp. 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s00348-017-2322-1
Xu, H., Mughal, S. M., Gowree, E. R. , Atkin, C. J. & Sherwin, S. J. (2017). Destabilisation and modification of Tollmien-Schlichting disturbances by a three-dimensional surface indentation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 819, pp. 592-620. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.193
Panagopoulos, I., Atkin, C.J. & Sikora, I. (2016). Lean Six-Sigma in Aviation Safety: An implementation guide for measuring aviation system’s safety performance. Journal of Safety Studies, 2(2), doi: 10.5296/jss.v2i2.10438
Fumarola, I., Gaster, M. & Atkin, C.J. (2016). Experimental investigation of the vorticity amplification on a swept wing with a blunt leading edge. Paper presented at the 52nd 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 27-29 Mar 2017, Lyon, France.
Gowree, E. R. & Atkin, C. J. (2016). On the excitation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves due to surface vibration. Paper presented at the 52nd 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 27-29 Mar 2017, Lyon, France.
Axtmann, G., Hegner, F., Brücker, C. & Rist, U. (2016). Investigation and prediction of the bending of single and tandem pillars in a laminar cross flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 66, pp. 110-126. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2016.07.017
Revell, A., O Connor, J., Sarkar, A. , Li, C., Favier, J., Kamps, L. & Brücker, C. (2016). The PELskin project: part II—investigating the physical coupling between flexible filaments in an oscillating flow. Meccanica, 52(8), pp. 1781-1795. doi: 10.1007/s11012-016-0525-9
Rosti, M. E., Kamps, L., Bruecker, C. , Omidyeganeh, M. & Pinelli, A. (2016). The PELskin project-part V: towards the control of the flow around aerofoils at high angle of attack using a self-activated deployable flap. Meccanica, 52(8), pp. 1811-1824. doi: 10.1007/s11012-016-0524-x
Pinelli, A., Omidyeganeh, M., Brücker, C. , Revell, A., Sarkar, A. & Alinovi, E. (2016). The PELskin project: part IV—control of bluff body wakes using hairy filaments. Meccanica, 52(7), pp. 1503-1514. doi: 10.1007/s11012-016-0513-0
Kerr, O. (2016). Critical Rayleigh number of an error function temperature profile with a quasi-static assumption.
Bruecker, C. (2016). Measurement of near-wall 3D flow velocity from wave-guiding micro-pillars. Optics Express, 24(19), pp. 21407-21414. doi: 10.1364/oe.24.021407
Corlho, L., Placidi, M., Atkin, C.J. & Sun, Z. (2016). Experimental Investigation of a Handley Page Triple Slotted Aerofoil. Paper presented at the 2016 Applied Aerodynamics Conference: Evolution & Innovation Continues - The Next 150 Years of Concepts, Design and Operations, 19-21 July 2016, Bristol, UK.
Sun, Z. & Bruecker, C. (2016). PIV Study of Flow Separations at a Forward-Facing Step using Long-Range Microscope. Paper presented at the 2016 Applied Aerodynamics Conference: Evolution & Innovation Continues - The Next 150 Years of Concepts, Design and Operations, 19-21 Jul 2016, Bristol, UK.
Sun, Z., Bruecker, C. & Pointz, B. (2016). Transition of A Vortex Ring Visualized by 3D Scanning TomoPIV. Paper presented at the 18th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 4-7 Jul 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
Sun, Z., Pointz, B. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2016). Transition of a vortex ring measured by 3D scanning Tomo-PIV. Paper presented at the 18th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 4-7 Jul 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
Crowley, B.J. & Atkin, C.J. (2016). Investigation of the discrete effects of suction in large scale arrays for Laminar flow control. In: 34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. . Reston, VA, United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2016-3117
Placidi, M., van Bokhorst, E. & Atkin, C. J. (2016). On the effect of discrete roughness on the growth of crossflow instability in very low turbulence environment. In: 8th AIAA Flow Control Conference. . Reston, VA, United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2016-3470
van Bokhorst, E., Placidi, M. & Atkin, C.J. (2016). The influence of the spatial frequency content of discrete roughness distributions on the development of the crossflow instability. In: 8th AIAA Flow Control Conference. . Reston, VA, United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi: 10.2514/6.2016-3931
Ponitz, B., Sastuba, M. & Bruecker, C. (2016). 4D visualization study of a vortex ring life cycle using modal analyses. Journal of Visualization, 19(2), pp. 237-259. doi: 10.1007/s12650-015-0314-x
Pollard, C., Booth, S., Begley, A. , Kerr, D., Mackintosh, B., Janice, J., Campbell, C., Whelan, J., Milligan, R., Bergström, J., Fisher, B. & Caraher, M. (2016). Working in Partnership with the Charitable Food Sector to Better Meet the Food Needs of People in Perth. Parity, 29(2), pp. 39-40.
Bruecker, C., Kirmse, C. & Triep, M. (2016). Feedback of the Glottal Jet Flow with Supraglottal Wall Oscillations. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 102(2), pp. 240-243. doi: 10.3813/aaa.918940
Rosti, M. E., Omidyeganeh, M. & Pinelli, A. (2016). Direct numerical simulation of the flow around an aerofoil in ramp-up motion. Physics of Fluids, 28(2), pp. 1-17. doi: 10.1063/1.4941529
Alderman, J., Rolston, S., Gaster, M. & Atkin, C.J. (2016). A method of reducing the drag of transport wings. In: 34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. 34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 13-17 June 2016, Washington D. C., USA. doi:
Axtmann, G., Rist, U., Hegner, F. & Bruecker, C. (2016). Numerical investigation of the bending of slenderwall-mounted cylinders in low reynolds number flow. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 132, pp. 191-201. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-27279-5_17
Placidi, M. & Ganapathisubramani, B. (2016). On the effects of surface morphology on the structure of wall-turbulence. Springer Proceedings in Physics, 165, pp. 149-154. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-29130-7_27
Atkin, C. J. & Gowree, E. R. (2016). Staggered Three-dimensional Cavities as a Possible Method for Skin Friction Drag Reduction. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences. . Bonn, Austria: The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences.
Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020, Wagner, R. & Koehler, M. (2016). Measurements of wall-shear stress fields on the piston crown in an IC engine flow using fluorescent labelled micro-pillar imaging. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging to Fluid Mechanics. 18th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 4-7 Jul 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
Brücker, C., Schlegel, D. & Triep, M. (2016). Feather Vibration as a Stimulus for Sensing Incipient Separation in Falcon Diving Flight. Natural Resources, 07(07), pp. 411-422. doi: 10.4236/nr.2016.77036
Favier, J., Revell, A. & Pinelli, A. (2016). Fluid Structure Interaction of Multiple Flapping Filaments Using Lattice Boltzmann and Immersed Boundary Methods. Advances in fluid structure interaction, 133, pp. 167-178. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-27386-0_10
Rosti, Marco (2016). Direct numerical simulation of an aerofoil at high angle of attack and its control. (Submitted Doctoral thesis, City, University of London)
Jagadeesh, C., Gowree, E. R. & Atkin, C. J. (2015). Development of a quantitative Schlieren imaging technicque for acoustic waves. Paper presented at the 51st 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 4-6 Apr 2016, Strasbourg, France.
Takeishi, K., Kawahara, G., Wakabayashi, H. , Uhlmann, M. & Pinelli, A. (2015). Localized turbulence structures in transitional rectangular-duct flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 782, pp. 368-379. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2015.546
Koehler, M., Hess, D. & Bruecker, C. (2015). Flying PIV measurements in a 4-valve IC engine water analogue to characterize the near-wall flow evolution. Measurement Science and Technology, 26(12), article number 125302. doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/26/12/125302
Rockenbach, A., Mikulich, V., Bruecker, C. & Schnakenberg, U. (2015). Fluid transport via pneumatically actuated waves on a ciliated wall. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25(12), article number 125009. doi: 10.1088/0960-1317/25/12/125009
Placidi, M. & Ganapathisubramani, B. (2015). Effects of frontal and plan solidities on aerodynamic parameters and the roughness sublayer in turbulent boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 782, pp. 541-566. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2015.552
Gowree, E. R., Atkin, C. J. & Gruppetta, S. (2015). A simple digital-optical system to improve accuracy of hot-wire measurements. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, 26(9), article number 095303. doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/26/9/095303
Valero-Lara, P., Igual, F. D., Prieto-Matias, M. , Pinelli, A. & Favier, J. (2015). Accelerating fluid-solid simulations (Lattice-Boltzmann & Immersed-Boundary) on heterogeneous architectures. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 10, pp. 249-261. doi: 10.1016/j.jocs.2015.07.002
Atkin, C.J. & Backer Dirks, T. (2015). Systems driven HLFC design. Paper presented at the 50th 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 30 Mar - 01 Apr 2015, Toulouse, France.
Brücker, C. (2015). Evidence of rare backflow and skin-friction critical points in near-wall turbulence using micropillar imaging. Physics of Fluids, 27(3), pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1063/1.4916768
Gowree, E. R. & Atkin, C. J. (2015). On the turbulent mean-flow at the leading edge of a swept wing. Paper presented at the 50th 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 30 Mar - 01 Apr 2015, Toulouse, France.
Mikulich, V., Nassauer, B., Kuna, M. & Brücker, C. (2015). Experimental and numerical study of interaction between particle loaded fluid and a rough wall with micropillars. Tribology International, 83(March), pp. 42-50. doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2014.10.009
Favier, J., Revell, A. & Pinelli, A. (2015). Numerical study of flapping filaments in a uniform fluid flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 53, pp. 26-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.11.010
Skillen, A., Revell, A., Pinelli, A. , Piomelli, U. & Favier, J. (2015). Flow over a Wing with Leading-Edge Undulations. AIAA Journal, 53(2), pp. 464-472. doi: 10.2514/1.j053142
Schmitz, A., Ponitz, B., Brücker, C. , Schmitz, H., Herweg, J. & Bleckmann, H. (2015). Morphological properties of the last primaries, the tail feathers, and the alulae of Accipiter nisus, Columba livia, Falco peregrinus, and Falco tinnunculus. Journal of Morphology, 276(1), pp. 33-46. doi: 10.1002/jmor.20317
Kogan, I., Pacholak, S., Licht, M. , Schneider, J., Brücker, C. & Brandt, S. (2015). The invisible fish: hydrodynamic constraints for predator-prey interaction in fossil fish Saurichthys compared to recent actinopterygians. Biology Open, 4(12), pp. 1715-1726. doi: 10.1242/bio.014720
Pelletier, J. D., Sherman, D. J., Ellis, J. T. , Farrell, E. J., Jackson, N. L., Li, B. Y., Nordstrom, K. F., Maia, L. P. & Omidyeganeh, M. (2015). Dynamics of sediment storage and release on aeolian dune slip faces: A field study in Jericoacoara, Brazil. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(9), pp. 1911-1934. doi: 10.1002/2015jf003636
Toja-Silva, F., Favier, J. & Pinelli, A. (2014). Radial basis function (RBF)-based interpolation and spreading for the immersed boundary method. Computers & Fluids, 105, pp. 66-75. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.09.026
Ponitz, B., Triep, M. & Brücker, C. (2014). Aerodynamics of the Cupped Wings during Peregrine Falcon’s Diving Flight. Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 04(04), pp. 363-372. doi: 10.4236/ojfd.2014.44027
Kirmse, C. & Brücker, C. (2014). On the jet formation through a leaky glottis. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 50, pp. 137-152. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.06.022
Kerr, O. (2014). Comment on 'Nonlinear eigenvalue problems'. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47(36), article number 368001. doi: 10.1088/1751-8113/47/36/368001
Bauer, K. & Bruecker, C. (2014). Behavior of oscillatory tube flow at liquid-gas interfaces. Physics of Fluids, 26(7), article number 072106. doi: 10.1063/1.4890717
Mikulich, V. & Brücker, C. (2014). Cavitation by spall fracture of solid walls in liquids. Experiments in Fluids, 55(7), article number 1785. doi: 10.1007/s00348-014-1785-6
Kamps, L., Hegner, F., Hess, D. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2014). Volumetric velocimetry study in a transitional wall jet flow with passive flow control via flaps. In: Proc. 15th International symposium on applications of laser techniques to fluid mechanics. 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 7-10 July 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
Pacholak, S., Hochstein, S., Rudert, A. & Brücker, C. (2014). Unsteady flow phenomena in human undulatory swimming: a numerical approach. Sports Biomechanics, 13(2), pp. 176-194. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2014.893609
Theodorakakos, A., Strotos, G., Mitroglou, N. , Atkin, C. & Gavaises, M. (2014). Friction-induced heating in nozzle hole micro-channels under extreme fuel pressurisation. Fuel, 123, pp. 143-150. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2014.01.050
Brücker, C. & Weidner, C. (2014). Influence of self-adaptive hairy flaps on the stall delay of an airfoil in ramp-up motion. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 47, pp. 31-40. doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.02.014
Valero-Lara, P., Pinelli, A. & Prieto-Matias, M. (2014). Fast finite difference Poisson solvers on heterogeneous architectures. Computer Physics Communications Package, 185(4), pp. 1265-1272. doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2013.12.026
Favier, J., Revell, A. & Pinelli, A. (2014). A Lattice Boltzmann-Immersed Boundary method to simulate the fluid interaction with moving and slender flexible objects. Journal of Computational Physics, 261, pp. 145-161. doi: 10.1016/
Gowree, E. R. (2014). Influence of Attachment Line Flow on Form Drag. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Ponitz, B., Schmitz, A., Fischer, D. , Bleckmann, H. & Brücker, C. (2014). Diving-flight aerodynamics of a peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus). PLoS ONE, 9(2), pp. 1-13. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086506
Papadopoulos, Konstantinos, Gavaises, M. & Atkin, C. (2014). A simplified mathematical model for thrombin generation. Medical Engineering and Physics, 36(2), pp. 196-204. doi: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2013.10.012
Ryan, C., Ross, S., Davey, P. , Duncan, E. M., Francis, J., Fielding, S., Johnston, M., Kerr, J., Lee, A. J., MacLeod, M. J., Maxwell, S., McKay, G. A., McLay, J. S., Webb, D. J. & Bond, C. (2014). Prevalence and Causes of Prescribing Errors: The PRescribing Outcomes for Trainee Doctors Engaged in Clinical Training (PROTECT) Study. PLoS ONE, 9(1), article number e79802. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079802
Atkin, C.J. (2014). Convergence of calculated transition loci during computational analysis of transonic aerofoils and infinite swept wings. Paper presented at the 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014, 7-12 Sep 2014, St Petersburg, Russia.
Gowree, E. R. & Atkin, C. J. (2014). Incompressible turbulent flow at the leading edge of swept wings. In: 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014. 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 7-12 Sep 2014, St Petersburg, Russia.
Rockenbach, A., Brücker, C. & Schnakenberg, U. (2014). Pneumatically actuated biomimetic particle transporter. 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 12, pp. 927-930. doi: 10.1109/memsys.2014.6765794
Gillanders, D.T., Bolderston, H., Bond, F.W. , Dempster, M., Flaxman, P., Campbell, L., Kerr, S., Tansey, L., Noel, P., Ferenbach, C., Masley, S., Roach, L., Lloyd, J., May, L., Clarke, S. & Remington, B. (2014). The Development and Initial Validation of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire. Behavior Therapy, 45(1), pp. 83-101. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2013.09.001
Kerr, O. (2014). Comment on "Nonlinear eigenvalue problems". Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47, 368001-. doi: 10.1088/1751-8113/47/36/368001
Sastuba, M., Skupsch, C. & Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 (2014). Real time visualization and analysis of sensory hair arrays using fast image processing and proper orthogonal decomposition. Paper presented at the 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 7-10 July 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
Valero-Lara, P., Pinelli, A. & Prieto-Matias, M. (2014). Accelerating solid-fluid interaction using Lattice-Boltzmann and Immersed Boundary coupled simulations on heterogeneous platforms. Procedia Computer Science, 29, pp. 50-61. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.005
Omidyeganeh, M., Piomelli, U., Christensen, K.T. & Best, J.L. (2013). Large eddy simulation of interacting barchan dunes in a steady, unidirectional flow. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE, 118(4), pp. 2089-2104. doi: 10.1002/jgrf.20149
Hess, D., Brücker, C., Hegner, F. , Balmert, A. & Bleckmann, H. (2013). Vortex formation with a snapping shrimp claw. PLoS ONE, 8(11), pp. 1-10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077120
Omidyeganeh, M. & Piomelli, U. (2013). Large-eddy simulation of three-dimensional dunes in a steady, unidirectional flow. Part 2. Flow structures. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 734, pp. 509-534. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2013.499
Triep, M., Hess, D., Chaves, H. , Brücker, C., Balmert, A., Westhoff, G. & Bleckmann, H. (2013). 3D flow in the venom channel of a spitting cobra: do the ridges in the fangs act as fluid guide vanes?. PLoS ONE, 8(5), pp. 1-11. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061548
Hess, D., Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 & Nonn, T. (2013). Combined 3D Scanning PIV and Scanning LIF for flow and phase transfer measurements around a melting particle. In: Proceedings of the 10th Int. Symp. Particle Image Velocimetry. 10th International Symposium on Particle IMage Velocimetry, 01 - 03 July 2013, Delft, The Netherlands.
Skupsch, C. & Brücker, C. (2013). Multiple-plane particle image velocimetry using a light-field camera. Optics Express, 21(2), pp. 1726-1740. doi: 10.1364/oe.21.001726
Mikulich, V. & Brücker, C. (2013). Flow and motion behavior of particle suspensions in shear flow over a rough surface. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 79, pp. 263-272. doi: 10.2495/MPF130221
Kerr, John (2013). The securitization and policing of art theft in London. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)
Omidyeganeh, M. & Piomelli, U. (2013). Large-eddy simulation of three-dimensional dunes in a steady, unidirectional flow. Part 1. Turbulence statistics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 721, pp. 454-483. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2013.36
Keißner, A. & Brücker, C. (2012). Directional fluid transport along artificial ciliary surfaces with base-layer actuation of counter-rotating orbital beating patterns. Soft Matter, 8(19), pp. 5342-5349. doi: 10.1039/c2sm25287b
Skupsch, C., Klotz, T., Chaves, H. & Brücker, C. (2012). Channelling optics for high quality imaging of sensory hair. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(4), article number 045001. doi: 10.1063/1.3697997
Atkin, C. J. & Gowree, E. R. (2012). Recent Developlments to the viscous Garabedian and Korn method. Paper presented at the 28th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 23-28 Sep 2012, Brisbane, Australia.
Mattheus, W. & Brücker, C. (2011). Asymmetric glottal jet deflection: differences of two- and three-dimensional models. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), 130(6), EL373-EL379. doi: 10.1121/1.3655893
Schwarze, R., Mattheus, W., Klostermann, J. & Brücker, C. (2011). Starting jet flows in a three-dimensional channel with larynx-shaped constriction. Computers and Fluids, 48(1), pp. 68-83. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2011.03.016
Favier, J., Pinelli, A. & Piomelli, U. (2011). Control of the separated flow around an airfoil using a wavy leading edge inspired by humpback whale flippers. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 340(1-2), pp. 107-114. doi: 10.1016/j.crme.2011.11.004
Omidyeganeh, M. & Piomelli, U. (2011). Large-eddy simulation of two-dimensional dunes in a steady, unidirectional flow. Journal of Turbulence, 12(42), pp. 1-31. doi: 10.1080/14685248.2011.609820
Sekimoto, A., Kawahara, G., Sekiyama, K. , Uhlmann, M. & Pinelli, A. (2011). Turbulence-and buoyancy-driven secondary flow in a horizontal square duct heated from below. Physics of fluids, 23(7), 075103-. doi: 10.1063/1.3593462
Kerr, J., Hilari, K. & Litosseliti, L. (2010). Information needs after stroke: What to include and how to structure it on a website. A qualitative study using focus groups and card sorting. Aphasiology, 24(10), pp. 1170-1196. doi: 10.1080/02687030903383738
Pinelli, A., Naqavi, I. Z., Piomelli, U. & Favier, J. (2010). Immersed Boundary Method for Generalised Finite Volume and Finite Difference Navier-Stokes Solvers. Journal of Computational Physics, 1(PARTS ), pp. 2361-2370. doi: 10.1115/fedsm-icnmm2010-30529
Pinelli, A., Uhlmann, M., Sekimoto, A. & Kawahara, G. (2010). Reynolds number dependence of mean flow structure in square duct turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 644, pp. 107-122. doi: 10.1017/s0022112009992242
Uhlmann, M., Kawahara, G. & Pinelli, A. (2010). Traveling-waves consistent with turbulence-driven secondary flow in a square duct. Physics of Fluids, 22(8), 084102-. doi: 10.1063/1.3466661
Triep, M., Brücker, C., Kerkhoffs, W. , Schumacher, O. & Marseille, O. (2008). Investigation of the washout effect in a magnetically driven axial blood pump. Artificial Organs, 32(10), pp. 778-784. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1594.2008.00630.x
Chagnaud, B. P., Brücker, C., Hofmann, M. H. & Bleckmann, H. (2008). Measuring flow velocity and flow direction by spatial and temporal analysis of flow fluctuations. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(17), pp. 4479-4487. doi: 10.1523/jneurosci.4959-07.2008
Benson, V. S., Patnick, J., Davies, A. K. , Nadel, M. R., Smith, R. A. & Atkin, W. S. (2008). Colorectal cancer screening: A comparison of 35 initiatives in 17 countries. International Journal of Cancer, 122(6), pp. 1357-1367. doi: 10.1002/ijc.23273
Begent, R. H. J., Brady, J. M., Finkelstein, A. ORCID: 0000-0003-2167-9844 , Gavaghan, D., Kerr, P., Parkinson, H., Reddington, F. & Wilkinson, J. M. (2005). Challenges of ultra large scale integration of biomedical computing systems. In: 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'05). 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'05), 23-24 Jun 2005, Dublin, Ireland. doi: 10.1109/CBMS.2005.40
Atkin, C.J. (2004). Performance trade-off studies for a retrofit Hybrid Laminar Flow Control system. Paper presented at the 2nd AIAA Flow Control Conference, 26 June - 1 July, Portland, Oregon.
Atkin, C.J. (2001). New aerodynamic approaches to suction system design. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, 76(3), pp. 55-63. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-45359-8_7
Atkin, C.J. & Schrauf, G. (2000). Progress in linear stability methods for design applications. Paper presented at the European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2000), 11-14 Sep 2000, Barcelona, Spain.
Arthur, M.T. & Atkin, C.J. Transition modelling for viscous flow prediction.. Paper presented at the 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 5-8 June 2006, San Francisco, California.
Atkin, C.J. Predicting the mission performance of a retrofit Hybrid Laminar Flow Control system. Paper presented at the Aerospace Aerodynamics Research Conference, 2002.
Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 & Puits, R. D. The multi-scale nature of Wall shear stress fluctuations in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection.
Glick, R. ORCID: 0000-0001-7789-9358, Fabian, M., Bruecker, C. ORCID: 0000-0001-5834-3020 & Grattan, K. T. V. ORCID: 0000-0003-2250-3832 Fibre optic sensors can detect flow events and flow speed via cross correlation of bending signal. Paper presented at the 25th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) and 16th Conference of International Society on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), 5-9 Sep 2022, Dresden, Germany.