Learning Enhancement and Development Educational Research Centre
  1. LEaDER launch event
  2. LEaD Research Ethics
LEaDER Centre

LEaD Research Ethics

Please note, this guidance only holds information relevant to research ethics in Learning Enhancement and Development. For all other information about research ethics at City, including information about how to apply, participant information sheets, consent form templates, and general guidance please see City's guidance on research ethics.

All research projects in LEaD that involve human participation must undergo formal ethical review. This includes research undertaken by staff and students in their capacity as members of City, University of London, irrespective of whether the research is funded and or the source of any funding. 'Human participation' covers direct data collection from people, for example surveys, observations, and physiological measurements.

The research policy for LEaD aims to provide guidance that applies to all staff and students undertaking educational research in their capacity as members of City, University of London, or research carried out in the university or under the auspices of City by staff/students or visiting persons.

Terms of reference

  1. The LEaD Research Ethics Committee operates under delegated authority from the Senate Research Ethics Committee
  2. To consider all low risk ethics applications for research involving human participants and personal data that focus on educational research
  3. To provide feedback and request amendments as needed to the applicant submitting ethics applications to this committee
  4. To refer to Senate Research Ethics Committee ethical applications which have medium or high  risks in relation to the research
  5. To report to the LEaD Board of Studies any ethics applications submitted in the period prior to each Board and their status in terms of making amendments, being approved or being referred to Senate Research Ethics Committee
  6. To submit an annual report to Senate Research Ethics Committee (SREC) of all ethics applications, ongoing research and other reports as required by SREC
  7. To submit an annual report to the LEaD Board of Studies of all ethics applications, ongoing research and research that has been completed
  8. In carrying out its responsibilities, seek and take account of all necessary advice from sources within and without City

Operational details

  • Appointments by the Committee which are not ex-officio will (normally) be for up to three years and will be renewable for a maximum period of office of nine years.
  • Quorum - 30% rounded up to the next whole number of the total actual membership
  • Frequency of meetings - As required, at least once, and normally four times, a year

Other ethical codes of practice

The research policy for LEaD encompasses all research involving human participants, and/or data. It applies whether the research is funded or not and whatever the source of funding. The LEaD research committees adhere to the BERA (2011) guidelines for educational research.

Upcoming Ethics  Committees and submission dates

LEaD Research Ethics CommitteeDeadline for submission of the applicationFeedback on ethics application
Tuesday 10th  December 2024Friday 22nd November 2024By 16th  December 2024
Tuesday 28th JanuaryFriday 10th January 2025By 3rd February 2025
Tuesday 11th MarchFriday 21st February 2025By 17th March 2025
Tuesday 13th May 2025Friday 25th April 2025By 19th May 2025

Composition of the Research Ethics Committee

  • Chair  (ex-officio)
  • Deputy Chair (ex-officio)
  • Academic staff who are all module leaders and supervisors on the MA Academic Practice Programme (four members) (ex-officio)
  • Head of Digital Education (ex-Officio)
  • Academic staff from the Board of Studies membership (three members)
  • Head of the LEaD support team or their representative (ex-officio)

Current membership

Names of Members Roles of Members
Professor Pam Parker Chair (ex-officio)
Dr Julie Voce Deputy Chair (ex-officio)
Clare Tyrer Members of the Academic staff who are module
leaders/supervisors on the MA Academic
Practice Programme (ex officio)
Dr Luis Pereira
Associate Professor Jane Secker
Dr Joanna Rawles
Jane Bradley-Smith Academic staff from the Board of Studies
membership (three members)

Carrie Myers

Margaret Carran
Hester Wellings McGeorge Head of LEaD support team or their representative (ex-officio)
Colin BrightwellSecretary