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Software Reliability


Meulen, M.J.P. van der, "A method for estimating failure rates of programmable electronic systems", Safety and Reliability Conference, Copenhagen, 1992.

Matute, H. and Alberdi, E., "Abstractional and associative processes in concept learning: A simulation of pigeon data", Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992.

Bondavalli A, Strigini L, Sereno M., "Destination Stripping Dual Ring: a new protocol for MANs", Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, vol. 24(1), pp. 15-32, London, 1992.

Fenton N, Littlewood B, "Evaluating software engineering standards and methods", in Software Engineering: A European Perspective, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992.

Mellor P., "Failures, Faults and Changes in Dependability Measurement", Journal of Information and Software Technology, vol. 34(10), pp. 640-654, 1992.

Meulen, M.J.P. van der, "Keuzen van management bepalen bedrijfszekerheid", Polytechnisch Tijdschrift, pp. iA2-4, 1992.

Littlewood B, "Measurement-based modelling issues - the problem of ultra-hgh dependability", Experimental Software Engineering Issues: Critical Assessment and Future Directions (Proc Intnl Workshop, Dagstuhl, Germany, September 1992), pp173-176, Lecture Notes in Cmoputer Science 706, Springer, 1992.

Neil, M.D., "Multivariate Assessment of Software Products. Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability", Journal of ST,V&R & Conference, vol. 1(4), pp. 17-37, London & in 1991 3rd, 1992.

Littlewood B, Brocklehurst S, "New ways to get accurate reliability measures", IEEE Software, vol. 9(4), pp. 34-42, 1992.

Laprie J-C, Littlewood B, "Quantitative assessment of safety-critical software: why and how?", Communications ACM, vol35, no2, pp13-21, 1992.

Neil M.D., "Statistical Modelling of Software Metrics", PhD thesis, Southbank University, 1992.

Littlewood B, Strigini L, "The Risks of software", Scientific American, (Deborah G. Johnson, Helen F. Nissenbaum, Eds.), vol. 267(5), pp. 38-43, 1992.

Meulen, M.J.P. van der, "V-model: ontwerpen en testen in plaats van vallen en opstaan", Polytechnisch Tijdschrift, pp. iA2-4, 1992.