Advanced Composites Research Focused Group (CRFG)
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Advanced Composites Research Focused Group

Research Outcomes

The research at the Advanced Composites Research Focused Group (CRFG) maps across a broad range of design and development activities on high-performance and soft polymeric, polymer composite, nanocomposite and multifunctional composite materials and structures, utilising a variety of fundamental scientific and applied research at TRL1-3 blue sky upto TRL6 applied demonstration.

The CRFG along with its external and internal partners (including the Centre for Photonics & Instrumentation and Systems, Autonomy & Control) aims to develop state-of-the-art developmental activities (synthesis, fabrication, manufacturing and assembly/joining) for pioneering composite materials and structures for a variety of applications (biomedical, energy, aerospace, automotive, space etc.), coping with current and future sustainability and eco-friendliness.