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Biomedical Engineering

Photoplethysmography in the assessment of blood flow and vascular mechanics

Project Details

Principal Investigator:  Prof P A Kyriacou

Researcher:  Ms H Njoum

Funding:  City University London

Project Description

The biomechanics of blood flow can provide parameters for prediction of cardiovascular diseases CVD at an early stage. This project aims to provide an understanding of optical behaviour with the pulsatile flow by considering arterial mechanical properties and the rheology of red blood cell suspensions. Developed theoretical approaches are applied in a series of volunteer studies and a controlled pump-model of the human circulation for concept validation under conditions of varying haemodynamic forces. Dual wavelength optical sensors, acoustical flow probe and pressure transducer are used to map the dynamics of the flow throughout the experiment. This project seeks to provide a direct quantification of arterial stiffness and blood viscosity. Both parameters have a crucial medical value and can provide benefits for over than 10 million CVD patients worldwide.