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Biomedical Engineering

Development of a multi-parameter oesophageal sensor for the early detection of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)

Project Details

Principal Investigator:  Prof P A Kyriacou

Co-Investigators:  Dr J Phillips, Dr M Hickey (City University London); Prof R Langford (Barts Health NHS Trust)

Researcher:  Dr J Davenport

Funding:  National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

Project Description

Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) are extremely vulnerable to complications related to sepsis, an infection of the blood stream. Once sepsis takes hold, it can develop into more serious conditions such as septic shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), both of which are associated with very high mortality rates. Approximately 19% of patients admitted to intensive care develop MODS, which is estimated to cause from 47% to 80% of deaths in the ICU. Currently, there is no bedside monitor suitable of providing an early indication of inadequate oxygen supply in abdominal organ tissues. This project proposes to use a disposable optics-based probe to continuously monitor the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the wall of the lower gullet. This will provide valuable information regarding the adequacy of the blood supply to the gut and vital organs. The sensor will be evaluated in surgery and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients. The ultimate aim is to develop a new type of sensor to reduce death from sepsis and MODS, leading to significant reductions in mortality and shorter stays in intensive care.